labium superius oris

up·per lip

[TA] the muscular fold forming the superior border of the mouth. Synonym(s): labium superius oris [TA]


(la'be-um) (-a) plural.labia [L. labium, lip] A lip or a structure like one; an edge or fleshy border.

labium cerebri

The margin of the cerebral hemispheres overlapping the corpus callosum.

labium inferius oris

The lower lip.

labium majus

See: Labia majora

labium minus

See: Labia minora

labium minus pudendi

See: labia minora

labium oris

The skin and muscular tissue surrounding the mouth; the lips of the mouth.

labium superius oris

The upper lip.

labium tympanicum

The outer edge of the organ of Corti.

labium urethrae

The lateral margin of the meatus urinarius externus.

labium uteri

The thickened margin of the cervix uteri.

labium vestibulare

The vestibular or inner edge of the organ of Corti.

la·bi·um su·pe·ri·us o·ris

(lābē-ŭm sū-pērē-ŭs ōris) [TA] The upper lip.