Martin Kabachnik

Kabachnik, Martin Izrailevich


Born Aug. 27 (Sept. 9), 1908, in Ekaterinburg, now Sverdlovsk. Soviet organic chemist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958; corresponding member, 1953). Member of the CPSU since 1957.

Kabachnik graduated from the Second Moscow Chemical Engineering Institue in 1931. In 1954 he became head of the laboratory of organophosphorus compounds at the Institute of Heteroorganic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His principal works are primarily devoted to the development of the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds and to the theoretical problems of organic chemistry. He has conducted research on the tautomerism, structure, and reactivity of organophosphorus compounds; has studied conjugation in systems with a tetrahedral phosphorus atom; and has developed new complexing reagents—organophosphorus complexones. A recipient of the State Prize of the USSR (1946), Kabachnik has been awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and various medals.


“Tautomeriia nekotorykh fosfororganicheskikh soedinenii.” In the collection Khimiia iprimenenie fosfororganicheskikh soedinenii. Moscow, 1957.
“Nekotorye voprosy stroeniia i reaktsionnoi sposobnosti fosfororganicheskikh soedinenii.” In the collection Khimiia i primenenie fosfororganicheskikh soedinenii. Moscow, 1962.
“Fosfororganicheskie kompleksony,” Uspekhi khimii, 1968, vol. 37, issue 7. (Jointly with others.)


M. I. Kabachnik. Moscow, 1967. (Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR: Seriia khimicheskikh nauk, issue 39.)