Lightweight Concrete

lightweight concrete

[′līt‚wāt ′kän‚krēt] (materials) A type of concrete made with lightweight aggregate.

Lightweight concrete

The concrete that is composed of any lightweight aggregate, such as sand.

Lightweight Concrete


the general name for a large group of concretes with a density of less than 1,800 kg/m3. Such concretes include aerated and cellular concretes. In modern construction, aerated concrete is widely used for modular and reinforced-concrete structural members and items to lessen the weight of the construction elements and improve the heat-engineering properties of enclosing structures. Cellular concretes are used in making enclosing elements of buildings and thermal insulation.

lightweight concrete

Concrete of substantially lower density than that made from gravel or crushed stone; usually made with lightweight aggregate or by injecting air or gas into the mortar.