Martynov, Aleksei
Martynov, Aleksei Vasil’evich
Born June 12 (24), 1868, in the village of Slobodka, now Riazan’ Oblast; died Jan. 24, 1934, in Moscow. Soviet surgeon; Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1933).
Martynov graduated in 1891 from the medical faculty of Moscow University. He worked under the guidance of A. A. Bobrov. In 1904 he became a professor, holding the chair of surgical pathology at the University of Kharkov, and in 1910, director of hospital clinical surgery at Moscow University. His principal works were on important problems in surgery of the liver, biliary tract, and thyroid gland. He also studied the problems of operative treatment of hernias and endarteritis obliterans, pathology of the pancreas, and changes in the blood and general condition of the patient in the postoperative period. He was a founding member, member of the board, and chairman of the Society of Russian Surgeons. He founded and edited Russkoe khirurgicheskoe obozrenie (1902-06) and Ezhegodnik russkoi meditsinskoi pechati (vols. 1-2, 1912-14). He formed an important school of surgeons, including V. R. Braitsev, I. G. Rufanov, S. D. Ternovskii, R. M. Fronshtein, and A. N. Shabanov.
Khirurgiia pecheni. St. Petersburg, 1902.“Radikal’nye operatsii pakhovykh i bedrennykh gryzh i ikh otdalennye rezul’taty.” In XVIII s”ezd rossiiskikh khirurgov. Moscow, 1927.
“Bolezni briushiny.” In Chastnaia patologiia iterapiia vnutrennikh boleznei, vol. 2, issue 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.
Klinicheskie lektsii po gospital’noi khirurgii. Moscow, 1962.
Shabanov, A. N., and I. V. Bogorad. A. V. Martynov. Moscow, 1971. (Bibliography.)M. B. MIRSKII