Aron Pasherstnik

Pasherstnik, Aron Efimovich


Born Dec. 6 (19), 1900, in Minsk; died Dec. 20, 1958, in Moscow. Soviet jurist. Doctor of the science of law (1947). Professor (1948). Specialist in labor law.

Pasherstnik graduated from the department of law at the Kiev Institute of the National Economy in 1926. He taught at the University of Kiev and the Middle Asian Institute. In 1943 he became a senior scientific associate at the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, serving simultaneously (from 1948) as head of the department of labor law at the Moscow Institute of Law and as head of the department of law at Moscow State University (from 1954). His principal works were on labor law.


Pravovye voprosy voznagrazhdeniia za trud rabochikh i sluzhashchikh. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Kollektivnyi dogovor. Moscow, 1951.
Pravo na trud. Moscow, 1951.
Teoreticheskie voprosy kodifikatsii obshchesoiuznogo zakonodatel’stva o trude. Moscow, 1955.