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o·o·go·ni·um O0084700 (ō′ə-gō′nē-əm)n. pl. o·o·go·ni·a (-nē-ə) or o·o·go·ni·ums 1. Any of the cells that give rise through mitosis to the oocytes and are found in the ovaries of vertebrates.2. A female reproductive structure in certain thallophytes and in oomycetes, usually a rounded cell or sac containing one or more oospheres. [oo- + New Latin gonium, cell (from Greek gonos, seed; see gono-).] o′o·go′ni·al (-nē-əl) adj.oogonium (ˌəʊəˈɡəʊnɪəm) n, pl -nia (-nɪə) or -niums1. (Biology) an immature female germ cell forming oocytes by repeated divisions2. (Botany) a female sex organ of some algae and fungi producing female gametes (oospheres) ooˈgonial adjo•o•go•ni•um (ˌoʊ əˈgoʊ ni əm) n., pl. -ni•a (-ni ə) -ni•ums. 1. one of the undifferentiated germ cells giving rise to oocytes. 2. the one-celled female reproductive organ in certain fungi, usu. a spherical sac containing one or more eggs. [1865–70] o`o•go′ni•al, adj. OogoniumenUK
oogonium[‚ō·ə′gō·nē·əm] (botany) The unisexual female sex organ in oogamous algae and fungi. (histology) A descendant of a primary germ cell which develops into an oocyte. Oogonium the female sex organ (gametangium) of many lower plants that are characterized by oogamy. A single egg cell develops in the oogonium. Several egg cells rarely develop, for example, in Cyclosporeae brown algae. The oogonium is usually unicellular; less frequently, is it multicellular, for example, in Charophyta algae. oogoniumenUK
oogonium [o″o-go´ne-um] [Gr.], a primordial oocyte during fetal development; near the time of birth it becomes a primary oocyte.o·o·go·ni·um, pl. o·o·go·ni·a (ō'ō-gō'nē-ŭm, -ă), 1. Primordial germ cells; proliferate by mitotic division. All oogonia develop into primary oocytes before birth occurs; no oogonia are present after birth. 2. In fungi, the female gametangium bearing one or more oospores. [G. ōon, egg, + gonē, generation] oogonium (ō′ə-gō′nē-əm)n. pl. oogo·nia (-nē-ə) or oogo·niums 1. Any of the cells that give rise through mitosis to the oocytes and are found in the ovaries of vertebrates.2. A female reproductive structure in certain thallophytes and in oomycetes, usually a rounded cell or sac containing one or more oospheres. o′o·go′ni·al (-nē-əl) adj.o·o·go·ni·um, pl. oogonia (ō'ŏ-gō'nē-ŭm, -nē-ă) 1. Primordial germ cells; proliferate by mitotic division. 2. In fungi, the female gametangium bearing one or more oospores. [G. ōon, egg, + gonē, generation]oogonium - an early DIPLOID (1) stage in GAMETOGENESIS of female animals giving rise to the OOCYTES.
- (in algae and fungi) the female sex organ containing the OOSPHERES.