释义 |
Lillie allochrome connective tissue stain Lil·lie al·lo·chrome con·nec·tive tis·sue stain (lil'ē), a procedure using periodic acid-Schiff, hematoxylin, picric acid, and methyl blue; used for distinction between basement membrane and reticulin, and for demonstration of arteriosclerotic lesions.Lil·lie al·lo·chrome con·nec·tive tis·sue stain (lil'ē al'ō-krōm kŏ-nek'tiv tish'ū stān) A procedure using periodic acid-Schiff, hematoxylin, picric acid, and methylene blue stains; used for distinction between basement membrane and reticulin, and for demonstration of arteriosclerotic lesions. Lillie, Ralph D., U.S. pathologist, 1896-1979. Glenner-Lillie stain for pituitary - see under GlennerLillie allochrome connective tissue stainLillie azure-eosin stainLillie ferrous iron stainLillie sulfuric acid Nile blue stainLillie-Crow test |