Nicolae Dumitry Cocea
Cocea, Nicolae Dumitry
Born Nov. 30, 1880; died Feb. 1, 1949, in Bucharest. Rumanian writer.
Cocea took part in the Working Rumania circle. He contributed to the socialist press. In 1917, Cocea was a witness to the Great October Socialist Revolution in Petrograd; he wrote enthusiastically about it and about V. I. Lenin. In the novels The Wine of a Long Life (1931), The Son of the Servant (1933), and Uncle Nae (1935), he depicted individuals from the common people with sympathy and unmasked the bourgeois institutions and the pseudoculture of the parvenus. He headed the newspapers Era noud and Reporter, which were published under the direction of the Communist Party of Rumania. After 1944, Cocea actively worked for the establishment of a people’s democracy (as director of the newspaper Victoria, 1944—46).
Pamflete. Bucharest, 1956.Pamflete şi articole. Bucharest, 1960.
Campus, E. N. D. Cocea un maestru al pamfletului literar. Bucharest, 1955.IU. A. KOZHEVNIKOV