

(prō-jes'tĕr-ōn), An antiestrogenic steroid, believed to be the active principle of the corpus luteum, isolated from the corpus luteum and placenta or synthetically prepared; used to correct abnormalities of the menstrual cycle, as a contraceptive, and to control habitual abortion. Synonym(s): luteohormone, pregnancy hormone, progestational hormone


(prŏ-jes'tĕr-ōn) An antiestrogenic steroid, believed to be the active principle of the corpus luteum, isolated from the corpus luteum and placenta or synthetically prepared; used to correct abnormalities of the menstrual cycle, as a contraceptive, and to control habitual abortion.
Compare: bioregulator
Synonym(s): luteal hormone, luteohormone, progestational hormone.