lacrimal caruncle


 [kar´ung-k'l] a small fleshy eminence, often abnormal.hymenal c's small elevations of mucous membrane around the vaginal opening, being relics of the ruptured hymen" >hymen; called also myrtiform caruncles.lacrimal caruncle the red eminence at the medial angle of the eye.myrtiform c's hymenal caruncles.sublingual caruncle an eminence on either side of the frenulum of the tongue (frenulum linguae), on which the major duct of the sublingual gland and the duct of the submandibular gland open.urethral caruncle a small, polyploid, red growth on the mucous membrane of the female urinary meatus, sometimes causing difficulty in urination.

lac·ri·mal ca·run·cle

[TA] a small reddish body at the medial angle of the eye, containing modified sebaceous and sweat glands. Synonym(s): caruncula lacrimalis [TA]

lac·ri·mal ca·run·cle

(lak'ri-măl kar'ŭng-kĕl) [TA] A small reddish body at the medial angle of the eye, containing modified sebaceous and sweat glands.

caruncle, lacrimal 

A small pink fleshy structure situated in the inner canthus.