lactiferous ducts

lac·tif·er·ous ducts

[TA] one of the ducts, numbering 15-20, which drain the lobes of the mammary gland; they open at the nipple. Synonym(s): ductus lactiferi [TA], canalicular ducts (1) , galactophore, galactophorous canals, galactophorous ducts, mamillary ducts, mammary ducts, milk ducts, tubuli galactophori, tubuli lactiferi

lac·tif·er·ous ducts

(lak-tif'ĕr-ŭs dŭkts) [TA] Ducts numbering 15-20, which drain the lobes of the mammary gland; they open at the nipple.
Synonym(s): galactophore, mammillary ducts, milk ducts.