


A great nutritious food planted throughout many cities and subdivisions. Tree grows to 140 ft (45m) with tiny fruit that look like peas. Flowers are great for nervous system and for around the heartcalming people's anxiety, restlessness and nervousness, but do not take all the time though or heart problems may arise. Leaves are usually asymmetrical. The young leaves when they come out in springtime taste like romaine lettuce. That's a lot of romaine lettuce! Very safe to eat. Don't eat the old bigger leaves, they aren't worth much and hard to digest (all the nutritional energy and life force has gone into the flowers). The new young leaves however are very soothing to the digestive tract, the throat. Inner bark tea used for lung problems, stomach issues. Flowers are used for colds and fevers. Small flowers, white to yellow was are delightfully fragrant and have a honey-like flavor. The flowers have been used in a tea as a medicine in the past. NOTE: Frequent heavy consumption of linden flower tea can cause heart damage. Take it easy. Leaves are fine-eat as much as you want.