air contrast enema

air con·trast en·e·ma

a radiographic double contrast enema in which air is introduced after coating of the colon with a dense barium suspension. Synonym(s): air contrast barium enema, double contrast enema

air con·trast en·e·ma

(ār kon'trast en'ĕ-mă) A double contrast enema in which air is introduced after coating of the colon with a dense barium suspension for radiographic study.
Synonym(s): air contrast barium enema, double contrast enema.

air contrast enema

An enema in which two contrast agents, thick barium sulfate and air, are introduced simultaneously under fluoroscopic control, followed by multiple radiographs of the colon. This technique produces better visualization of mucosal lining lesions, such as polyps or diverticula, than barium enemas performed without air. See also: enema