Acronym | Definition |
BEM➣Boundary Element Method |
BEM➣Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (Indonesian: Student Executive Board) |
BEM➣Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement (German: Integration Management) |
BEM➣Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry |
BEM➣Black and Ethnic Minority |
BEM➣Block Element Modifier (computer programming) |
BEM➣Biroul Electoral Municipal (Romania) |
BEM➣Battery Energy Management (car batteries) |
BEM➣Business Enterprise Manager |
BEM➣Bordeaux Ecole de Management (French: Bordeaux School Management; Bordeaux, France) |
BEM➣British Empire Medal |
BEM➣Business Event Management (method) |
BEM➣Bug Eyed Monster (science fiction writing plot device) |
BEM➣Board of Engineers Malaysia |
BEM➣Bureau d'Etudes Mécaniques (French: Mechanical Engineering Department) |
BEM➣Bio-Economic Model |
BEM➣Back End Module |
BEM➣Brand Equity Management |
BEM➣Business Excellence Model |
BEM➣Big Emerging Markets |
BEM➣Big Easy Mafia (sports fan club) |
BEM➣Building Energy Management |
BEM➣BMC Event Manager (BMC Software) |
BEM➣Bureau d'Etude Métallerie (French: Office of Metalwork Study) |
BEM➣Bâtiment d'Essais et de Mesures (French: Building Test and Measurement; French Navy) |
BEM➣Basic Emergency Management (Ontario, Canada) |
BEM➣Bandungsche Electriciteit Maatschaappij (Indonesian electrical company) |
BEM➣Basis Expansion Model |
BEM➣Bandwidth Efficient Modem |
BEM➣Bio-Electromagnetic |
BEM➣Bandwidth Efficient Modulation |
BEM➣Business Engineering Management |
BEM➣butylethylmagnesium |
BEM➣Bachelor of Environmental Management |
BEM➣Bayesian Expectation-Maximization |
BEM➣Big Eyed Monster (science fiction) |
BEM➣Boolean Expression Manipulator |
BEM➣Booger Eating Moron |
BEM➣Bachelor of Engineering of Mines |
BEM➣Business Executives' Move for New National Priorities |
BEM➣Business Engagement Manager |
BEM➣Building Equipment Mechanic (US Postal Service) |
BEM➣Banco do Estado do Maranhão SA (Maranhão State Bank, Brazil) |
BEM➣Bureau d'Etudes Maritimes (French shipbuilding company) |
BEM➣Business Execution Manager |
BEM➣Blade Element Model |
BEM➣Bit Error Monitor |
BEM➣Base Entry Monitor System |
BEM➣Basic Education Manual |
BEM➣Base Energy Manager |
BEM➣Beaunit Corporation |
BEM➣Bureau of Executive Manpower |
BEM➣Bachelor of Mining Engineering |
BEM➣Binary-Element Method |
BEM➣Beaufort & Morehead Railroad |
BEM➣Bureau des Etudiants en Médecine (French: Bureau of Medical Students; Belgium) |