Neumann disease

pem·phi·gus ve·g'e·tans

1. a rare, verrucous form of pemphigus vulgaris in which vegetation develops on the eroded surfaces left by ruptured bullae; new bullae continue to form; Synonym(s): Neumann disease2. a chronic benign vegetating form of pemphigus, with lesions commonly in the axillae and perineum; spontaneous remissions and occasionally permanent healing to occur. Synonym(s): Hallopeau disease

Neumann disease

(noy'man, 'mon?) [Isidor Neumann, Austrian dermatologist, 1832–1906] Pemphigus vegetans.


Isidor Edler von Heilwart, Austrian dermatologist, 1832-1906. Neumann disease - a form of pemphigus vulgaris in which vegetations develop on the eroded surfaces left by ruptured bullae. Synonym(s): pemphigus vegetans