nicotine stomatitis

nic·o·tine sto·ma·ti·tis

heat-stimulated lesions, usually on the palate, that begin with erythema and progress to multiple white papules with a red dot in the center. The red dot represents a dilated, inflamed salivary duct orifice.

nicotine stomatitis

, stomatitis nicotinaFissuring and the formation of hyperkeratotic papules on the palate, usually caused by habitual pipe smoking. It is a form of precancer. See also: stomatitis

nic·o·tine sto·ma·ti·tis

(nikŏ-tēn stōmă-tītis) Heat-stimulated lesions, usually on palate, which begin with erythema and progress to multiple white papules with a red dot in the center. The red dot represents a dilated, inflamed salivary duct orifice.