释义 |
mesentery [mes´en-ter″e] 1. a membranous fold attaching an organ to the body wall.2. the peritoneal fold attaching the small intestine to the dorsal body wall; called also mesenterium. adj., adj mesenter´ic.mes·en·ter·y (mes'en-ter'ē), [TA] 1. A double layer of peritoneum attached to the abdominal wall and enclosing in its fold a portion or all of one of the abdominal viscera, conveying to it its vessels and nerves. 2. The fan-shaped fold of peritoneum suspending the greater part of the small intestines (jejunum and ileum) and attaching it to the posterior abdominal wall at the root of the mesentery (radix mesenterii). Synonym(s): mesenterium dorsale commune, mesostenium Synonym(s): mesenterium [TA] [Mod. L. mesenterium, fr. G. mesenterion, fr. G. mesos, middle, + enteron, intestine] mes·en·ter·y (mes'ĕn-ter-ē) [TA] 1. A double layer of peritoneum attached to the abdominal wall and enclosing in its fold a portion or all of one of the abdominal viscera, conveying to it its vessels and nerves. 2. The fan-shaped fold of peritoneum encircling the greater part of the small intestines (jejunum and ileum) and attaching it to the posterior abdominal wall at the root of the mesentery (radix mesenterii). Synonym(s): mesenterium. [Mod. L. mesenterium, fr. G. mesenterion, fr. G. mesos, middle, + enteron, intestine] |