Mir i Progress

Mir i Progress


(Radio Peace and Progress), the radio station of Soviet public organizations, established in Moscow in November 1964.

Mir i Progress acquaints foreign radio listeners with Soviet public opinion on today’s problems and on events in both the international arena and in the domestic life of various countries. Its broadcasts, especially those that pay particular attention to the explanation of the Leninist principles of the policy of peaceful coexistence, to the analysis of the anti-imperialist and liberation struggle of nations, and to issues in the formation of the independent national economy, enjoy great popularity among foreign radio listeners.

Broadcasts are made in 11 foreign languages, among them English, French, German, Spanish, and Chinese. Length of the broadcasting day is 21 hours. Along with representatives of Soviet public opinion, prominent figures in the international communist and workers’ movement as well as representatives of progressive democratic public opinion abroad speak out over Mir i Progress.