Novomoskovsk Chemical Combine
Novomoskovsk Chemical Combine
(full name, Vladimir Il’ich Lenin Novomoskovsk Chemical Combine), a large plant of the chemical industry, specializing in ammonia, chlorine, and products of their processing, and also products of organic synthesis. Located in Novomoskovsk, Tula Oblast.
The first section of the combine began operation in late 1933. During World War II (1941–45), the combine was destroyed. The prewar level of production was reached by 1950. In subsequent years, particularly after the May Plenary Session (1958) of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the development of the chemical industry, the combine was modernized and its range of production significantly expanded. In 1958, for the first time in the USSR, ammonia was produced from natural gas and the production of nitrogen fertilizers was organized at the combine. In 1940, the combine’s production had increased by a factor of 3.8 compared to 1934; in 1950, by a factor of 4.1; in 1960, by a factor of 11.5; and in 1970, by a factor of 56.6. The combine was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1959.
Novomoskovskii khimicheskii kombinat (Istoricheskii ocherk). Tula, 1965.N. P. SUMTSOV