oblique vein of left atrium

ob·lique vein of left a·tri·um

[TA] a small vein on the posterior wall of the left atrium that merges with the great cardiac vein to form the coronary sinus; it is developed from the left common cardinal vein, and occasionally persists as a left superior vena cava. Synonym(s): vena obliqua atrii sinistri [TA], Marshall oblique vein

ob·lique vein of left a·tri·um

(ō-blēk' vān left ā'trē-ŭm) [TA] A small vein on the posterior wall of the left atrium that merges with the great cardiac vein to form the coronary sinus; it is developed from the left common cardinal vein, and occasionally persists as a left superior vena cava.
Synonym(s): Marshall oblique vein.


John, English anatomist, 1818-1891. Marshall oblique vein - a small vein on the posterior wall of the left atrium that merges with the great cardiac vein to form the coronary sinus. Synonym(s): oblique vein of left atriumMarshall syndrome - inflamed edematous papules.Marshall vestigial fold - a pericardial fold containing the obliterated remains of the left superior vena cava. Synonym(s): fold of left vena cava