
Related to bestead: bedstead, astutely, ladened


B0211400 (bĭ-stĕd′)adj. Archaic Having been placed; located.
[Middle English bistad, placed : bi-, be- + -stad (ultimately from Old Norse staddr, placed, past participle of stedhja, to stop, from stadhr, place; see stā- in Indo-European roots).]


(bɪˈstɛd) vb (tr) to serve; assist



v.t. -stead•ed, -stead•ed -stead, -stead•ing. Archaic. to help; assist. [1575–85; be- + stead]



adj. Archaic. placed; situated. [1300–50; Middle English bisted, bistad=bi be- + sted, stad placed; see stead]


Past participle: bestead
Gerund: besteading
I bestead
you bestead
he/she/it besteads
we bestead
you bestead
they bestead
I besteaded
you besteaded
he/she/it besteaded
we besteaded
you besteaded
they besteaded
Present Continuous
I am besteading
you are besteading
he/she/it is besteading
we are besteading
you are besteading
they are besteading
Present Perfect
I have bestead
you have bestead
he/she/it has bestead
we have bestead
you have bestead
they have bestead
Past Continuous
I was besteading
you were besteading
he/she/it was besteading
we were besteading
you were besteading
they were besteading
Past Perfect
I had bestead
you had bestead
he/she/it had bestead
we had bestead
you had bestead
they had bestead
I will bestead
you will bestead
he/she/it will bestead
we will bestead
you will bestead
they will bestead
Future Perfect
I will have bestead
you will have bestead
he/she/it will have bestead
we will have bestead
you will have bestead
they will have bestead
Future Continuous
I will be besteading
you will be besteading
he/she/it will be besteading
we will be besteading
you will be besteading
they will be besteading
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been besteading
you have been besteading
he/she/it has been besteading
we have been besteading
you have been besteading
they have been besteading
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been besteading
you will have been besteading
he/she/it will have been besteading
we will have been besteading
you will have been besteading
they will have been besteading
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been besteading
you had been besteading
he/she/it had been besteading
we had been besteading
you had been besteading
they had been besteading
I would bestead
you would bestead
he/she/it would bestead
we would bestead
you would bestead
they would bestead
Past Conditional
I would have bestead
you would have bestead
he/she/it would have bestead
we would have bestead
you would have bestead
they would have bestead