

单词 line


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L0179700 (līn)n.1. Mathematics A geometric figure formed by a point moving along a fixed direction and the reverse direction.2. a. A thin continuous mark, as that made by a pen, pencil, or brush applied to a surface.b. A similar mark cut or scratched into a surface.c. A crease in the skin, especially on the face; a wrinkle.3. a. A real or imaginary mark positioned in relation to fixed points of reference.b. A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.c. The equator. Used with the.4. a. A border or boundary: the county line.b. A demarcation: a line of darker water beyond the reef.c. A contour or an outline: the line of the hills against the evening sky.5. a. A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.b. Any of the marks that make up the formal design of a picture.6. a. A cable, rope, string, cord, or wire.b. Nautical A rope used aboard a ship.c. A fishing line.d. A clothesline.e. A cord or tape used, as by builders or surveyors, for measuring, leveling, or straightening.7. A pipe or system of pipes for conveying a fluid: gas lines.8. An electric-power transmission cable.9. a. A wire or system of wires connecting telephone or telegraph systems.b. An open or functioning telephone connection: tried to get a free line.10. a. A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.b. A company owning or managing such a system.11. a. A railway track or system of tracks.b. A particular section of a railway network: the Philadelphia-Trenton line.12. A course of progress or movement; a route: a line of flight.13. a. A general method, manner, or course of procedure: different lines of thought; took a hard line on defense.b. A manner or course of procedure determined by a specified factor: development along socialist lines.c. An official or prescribed policy: the party line.14. often lines A general concept or model: a trilogy along the lines of the Oresteia.15. a. The condition of being in proper or aligned position: Is the table in line with the sofa?b. A condition of agreement or correspondence: Your attitude is in line with mine. Is the policy in line with reality?16. a. One's trade, occupation, or field of interest: What line of work are you in?b. Range of competence: not in my line.17. Merchandise or services of a similar or related nature: carries a complete line of small tools.18. A group of persons or things arranged in a row or series: long lines at the box office; a line of stones.19. a. Ancestry or lineage.b. A series of persons, especially from one family, who succeed each other: a line of monarchs; comes from a long line of bankers.c. A strain, as of livestock or plants, developed and maintained by selective breeding.20. a. A sequence of related things that leads to a certain ending: a line of argument.b. An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.c. The personnel of an organization or a business who actually make a product or perform a service.21. A horizontal row of printed or written words or symbols.22. One of the horizontal scans forming a television image.23. A brief letter; a note: I'll drop you a line.24. a. A unit of verse ending in a visual or typographic break and generally characterized by its length and meter: a line of iambic pentameter.b. A unit of uninterrupted text spoken by an actor: spent the weekend learning her lines.25. Informal Glib or insincere talk, usually intended to deceive or impress: He kept on handing me a line about how busy he is.26. lines Chiefly British a. A marriage certificate.b. A usually specified number of lines of prose or verse to be written out by a pupil as punishment.27. Games A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.28. a. A source of information.b. The information itself: got a line on the computer project.29. a. Music One of the five parallel marks constituting a staff.b. A sustained melodic or harmonic part in a piece: strained to hear the tenor line.30. a. A formation in which elements, such as troops, tanks, or ships, are arranged abreast of one another.b. The battle area closest to the enemy; the front.c. The combat troops or warships at the front, arrayed for defense or offense.d. The regular forces of an army or a navy, in contrast to staff and support personnel.e. The class of officers in direct command of warships or of army combat units.f. A bulwark or trench.g. An extended system of such fortifications or defenses: the Siegfried line.31. Sports a. A foul line.b. A real or imaginary mark demarcating a specified section of a playing area or field.c. A real or imaginary mark or point at which a race begins or ends.d. The center and two wings making up a hockey team's offensive unit.e. Football A line of scrimmage.f. Football The linemen considered as a group.32. Informal The odds a bookmaker gives, especially for sports events.33. The proportion of an insurance risk assumed by a particular underwriter or company.34. Slang An amount of powdered cocaine arranged in a thin, long strip for snorting.v. lined, lin·ing, lines v.tr.1. To mark, incise, or cover with a line or lines.2. To represent with lines.3. To place in a series or row.4. To form a bordering line along: Small stalls lined the alley.5. Baseball To hit (a ball) sharply so that it flies low and fast.v.intr. Baseball To hit a line drive: lined out to shortstop.Phrasal Verb: line up1. To arrange in or form a line.2. Football To take one's position in a formation before a snap or kickoff.3. To organize or make ready: lined up considerable support for the bill.4. To engage or schedule: lined up some freelance work for next month; lined up a speaker for graduation.Idioms: all along the line1. In every place.2. At every stage or moment. down the line1. All the way; throughout: Errors are to be found down the line.2. At a point or an end in the future. in line for Next in order for: in line for the presidency. on the line1. Ready or available for immediate payment.2. So as to be risked; in jeopardy: "Careers were on the line once again" (Seymour M. Hersh). out of line1. Uncalled-for; improper.2. Unruly and out of control.
[Middle English, from Old English līne and from Old French ligne, both from Latin līnea, string, cord, from feminine of līneus, of linen, from līnum, thread, linen; see lī̆no- in Indo-European roots.]

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L0179700 (līn)tr.v. lined, lin·ing, lines 1. To fit a covering to the inside surface of: a coat lined with fur.2. To cover the inner surface of: Moisture lined the walls of the cave.3. To fill plentifully, as with money or food.Idiom: line (one's) pockets To make a profit, especially by illegitimate means.
[Middle English linen, from line, flax, linen cloth, from Old English līn, from Latin līnum; see lī̆no- in Indo-European roots.]


(laɪn) n1. a narrow continuous mark, as one made by a pencil, pen, or brush across a surface2. such a mark cut into or raised from a surface3. a thin indented mark or wrinkle4. a straight or curved continuous trace having no breadth that is produced by a moving point5. (Mathematics) maths a. any straight one-dimensional geometrical element whose identity is determined by two points. A line segment lies between any two points on a lineb. a set of points (x, y) that satisfies the equation y = mx + c, where m is the gradient and c is the intercept with the y-axis6. a border or boundary: the county line. 7. (General Sporting Terms) sport a. a white or coloured band indicating a boundary or division on a field, track, etcb. a mark or imaginary mark at which a race begins or ends8. (American Football) American football a. See line of scrimmageb. the players arranged in a row on either side of the line of scrimmage at the start of each play9. a specified point of change or limit: the dividing line between sanity and madness. 10. (Art Terms) a. the edge or contour of a shape, as in sculpture or architecture, or a mark on a painting, drawing, etc, defining or suggesting thisb. the sum or type of such contours or marks, characteristic of a style or design: the line of a draughtsman; the line of a building. 11. anything long, flexible, and thin, such as a wire or string: a washing line; a fishing line. 12. (Telecommunications) a telephone connection: a direct line to New York. 13. (Electrical Engineering) a. a conducting wire, cable, or circuit for making connections between pieces of electrical apparatus, such as a cable for electric-power transmission, telecommunications, etcb. (as modifier): the line voltage. 14. a system of travel or transportation, esp over agreed routes: a shipping line. 15. a company operating such a system16. (Railways) a route between two points on a railway17. (Railways) chiefly a. a railway track, including the roadbed, sleepers, etcb. one of the rails of such a track18. NZ a roadway usually in a rural area19. a course or direction of movement or advance: the line of flight of a bullet. 20. a course or method of action, behaviour, etc: take a new line with him. 21. a policy or prescribed course of action or way of thinking (often in the phrases bring or come into line)22. a field of study, interest, occupation, trade, or profession: this book is in your line. 23. alignment; true (esp in the phrases in line, out of line)24. (Commerce) one kind of product or article: a nice line in hats. 25. NZ a collection of bales of wool all of the one type26. a row of persons or things: a line of cakes on the conveyor belt. 27. a chronological or ancestral series, esp of people: a line of prime ministers. 28. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a row of words printed or written across a page or column29. (Poetry) a unit of verse consisting of the number of feet appropriate to the metre being used and written or printed with the words in a single row30. a short letter; note: just a line to say thank you. 31. a piece of useful information or hint about something: give me a line on his work. 32. (Broadcasting) one of a number of narrow horizontal bands forming a television picture33. (General Physics) physics a narrow band in an electromagnetic spectrum, resulting from a transition in an atom, ion, or molecule of a gas or plasma34. (Music, other) music a. any of the five horizontal marks that make up the stave. Compare space10b. the musical part or melody notated on one such setc. a discernible shape formed by sequences of notes or musical sounds: a meandering melodic line. d. (in polyphonic music) a set of staves that are held together with a bracket or brace35. (General Physics) a unit of magnetic flux equal to 1 maxwell36. (Fortifications) a defensive or fortified position, esp one that marks the most forward position in war or a national boundary: the front line. 37. (Nautical Terms) line ahead line abreast a formation adopted by a naval unit for manoeuvring38. (Military) a formation adopted by a body or a number of military units when drawn up abreast39. (Nautical Terms) the combatant forces of certain armies and navies, excluding supporting arms40. (Military) the combatant forces of certain armies and navies, excluding supporting arms41. (Fencing) fencing one of four divisions of the target on a fencer's body, considered as areas to which specific attacks are made42. (Hunting) the scent left by a fox43. (Navigation) a. the equator (esp in the phrase crossing the line)b. any circle or arc on the terrestrial or celestial sphere44. (Physical Geography) a. the equator (esp in the phrase crossing the line)b. any circle or arc on the terrestrial or celestial sphere45. (Insurance) the amount of insurance written by an underwriter for a particular risk46. US and Canadian a line of people, vehicles, etc, waiting for something. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): queue 47. slang a portion of a powdered drug for snorting48. slang something said for effect, esp to solicit for money, sex, etc: he gave me his usual line. 49. (Accounting & Book-keeping) accounting denoting entries above a horizontal line on a profit and loss account, separating those that establish the profit or loss from those that show how the profit is distributed50. (Banking & Finance) denoting revenue transactions rather than capital transactions in a nation's accounts51. (Marketing) marketing expenditure on media advertising through an agency, rather than internally arranged advertising, such as direct mail, free samples, etc52. (Card Games) bridge denoting bonus points, marked above the horizontal line on the score card53. (Accounting & Book-keeping) accounting denoting entries below a horizontal line on a profit and loss account, separating those that establish the profit or loss from those that show how the profit is distributed54. (Banking & Finance) denoting capital transactions rather than revenue transactions in a nation's accounts55. (Marketing) marketing denoting expenditure on advertising by other means than the traditional media, such as the provision of free gifts, special displays, direct mailshots, etc56. (Card Games) bridge denoting points scored towards game and rubber, marked below the horizontal line on the score card57. all along the line a. at every stage in a seriesb. in every detail58. do a line informal Irish and Austral to associate (with a person of the opposite sex) regularly; go out (with): he is doing a line with her. 59. draw the line to reasonably object (to) or set a limit (on): her father draws the line at her coming in after midnight. 60. get a line on informal to obtain information about61. (Telecommunications) to keep a telephone line open62. (Soccer) football to prevent the opponents from taking the ball forward63. (Rugby) football to prevent the opponents from taking the ball forward64. (Military) (of soldiers) to keep formation, as when under fire65. in line for in the running for; a candidate for: he's in line for a directorship. 66. in line with conforming to67. in the line of duty as a necessary and usually undesired part of the performance of one's responsibilities68. lay on the line put on the line a. to pay moneyb. to speak frankly and directlyc. to risk (one's career, reputation, etc) on something69. shoot a line informal to try to create a false image, as by boasting or exaggerating70. step out of line to fail to conform to expected standards, attitudes, etc71. toe the line to conform to expected standards, attitudes, etcvb72. (tr) to mark with a line or lines73. (tr) to draw or represent with a line or lines74. (tr) to be or put as a border to: tulips lined the lawns. 75. to place in or form a row, series, or alignment[C13: partly from Old French ligne, ultimately from Latin līnea, n use of līneus flaxen, from līnum flax; partly from Old English līn, ultimately also from Latin līnum flax] ˈlinable, ˈlineable adj lined adj ˈlineˌlike adj ˈliny, ˈliney adj


(laɪn) vb (tr) 1. (Knitting & Sewing) to attach an inside covering to (a garment, curtain, etc), as for protection, to hide the seaming, or so that it should hang well2. to cover or fit the inside of: to line the walls with books. 3. to fill plentifully: a purse lined with money. 4. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to reinforce the back of (a book) with fabric, paper, etc[C14: ultimately from Latin līnum flax, since linings were often made of linen]



n., v. lined, lin•ing. n. 1. a long mark of very slight breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface. 2. a continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point. 3. something arranged along a line, esp. a straight line; a row: a line of trees. 4. a number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turns at or for something; queue. 5. something resembling a traced line, as a seam or furrow: lines of stratification in rock. 6. a furrow or wrinkle on the face, neck, etc. 7. an indication of demarcation; boundary; limit: the county line; a fine line between right and wrong. 8. a row of written or printed letters, words, etc. 9. a unit in the metrical structure of a poem or lyric, composed of feet. 10. Usu., lines. the words of an actor's part in a drama, musical comedy, etc. 11. a short written message: Drop me a line when you're on vacation. 12. a system of public conveyances, as buses or trains, plying regularly over a fixed route. 13. a transportation company: a steamship line. 14. a course of direction; route: the line of march. 15. a course of action, procedure, thought, policy, etc.: That newspaper follows a conservative line. 16. a piece of pertinent or useful information: I've got a line on a good used car. 17. a series of generations of persons, animals, or plants descended from a common ancestor: a line of kings. 18. a person's occupation or business: What line are you in? 19. Informal. a mode of conversation intended to impress or influence: He handed us a line about his rich relatives. 20. outline or contour: a ship of fine lines. 21. lines, a. a plan of construction, action, or procedure: two books written along the same lines. b. Chiefly Brit. a certificate of marriage. 22. a circle of the terrestrial or celestial sphere: the equinoctial line. 23. Art. a. a mark made by a pencil, brush, or the like, that defines the contour of a shape, forms hatching, etc. b. the edge of a shape. 24. a. a telephone connection: Please hold the line. b. a wire circuit connecting two or more pieces of electric apparatus, esp. the circuit connecting points or stations in a telegraph or telephone system or the system itself. 25. a stock of goods of the same general class but having a range of styles, sizes, prices, or quality. 26. an assembly line. 27. Law. a limit defining one estate from another; the outline or boundary of a piece of real estate. 28. (in bridge) a line on a score sheet below which points are scored toward game and above which bonus points are scored. 29. Music. any of the straight, horizontal, parallel strokes of the staff, or one placed above or below the staff. 30. a. a series of fortifications: the Maginot line. b. Often, lines. a distribution of troops, ships, etc., arranged for defense or drawn up for battle: behind enemy lines. c. the combatant forces of an army or navy, or their officers. 31. a body or formation of troops or ships drawn up abreast (disting. from column). 32. that part of an administrative organization consisting of persons actively engaged on a given project. 33. a thread, string, cord, rope, etc. 34. a clothesline. 35. a cord, wire, etc., used for measuring or as a guide. 36. a pipe or hose: a steam line. 37. a rope or cable used at sea. 38. Slang. a small quantity of cocaine arranged in the form of a slender thread, as for sniffing. 39. a cord or string with a hook, sinker, float, etc., for catching fish. 40. a. either of the two front rows of opposing football players lined up opposite each other on the line of scrimmage. b. line of scrimmage. 41. the betting odds established by bookmakers for events not covered by pari-mutuel betting, esp. sporting events, as football or basketball. 42. the two wings and center that comprise an ice hockey team's offensive unit. v.i. 43. to take a position in a line; range (often fol. by up). 44. Baseball. a. to hit a line drive. b. to line out. v.t. 45. to bring into a line, or into line with others (often fol. by up): to line up troops. 46. to mark with a line or lines. 47. to form a line along: Rocks lined the drive. 48. to apply liner to (the eyes). 49. to delineate with or as if with lines; draw: to line a silhouette. 50. line out, a. Baseball. to be put out by hitting a line drive caught on the fly by a player of the opposing team. b. Informal. to execute or perform: to line out a song. 51. line up, to secure; make available. Idioms: 1. down the line, a. in every way; thoroughly. b. in the future. 2. draw the line, to impose a restriction or limit. 3. hold the line, to maintain the status quo, esp. in order to forestall unfavorable developments. 4. in (the) line of duty, in the execution of one's duties, esp. with regard to the responsibility for life and death. 5. lay it on the line, Informal. to impart information directly and frankly. 6. off line, a. occurring or functioning away from the central work location, as an assembly line. b. not in operation; not functioning. c. not actively linked to a computer or central computer. 7. on line, a. on or part of an assembly line. b. in or into operation. c. actively linked to a computer. 8. on the line, a. in a vulnerable position. b. during the transaction; immediately: to pay cash on the line. 9. out of line, a. not in a straight line. b. disrespectful; presumptuous. [before 1000; Middle English li(g)ne, partly < Old French ligne (< Latin līnea, orig. n. use of feminine of līneus flaxen <līn(um) flax (see line2)] lin′a•ble, line′a•ble, adj.



v. lined, lin•ing. v.t. 1. to cover the inner side or surface of: to line a coat with blue silk. 2. to cover: Bookcases lined the walls. 3. to furnish or fill: to line shelves with provisions. 4. to reinforce (the back of a book) with glued fabric, paper, vellum, etc. [1350–1400; Middle English lynen, derivative of line linen, flax, Old English līn < Latin līnum flax]


(līn) A geometric figure formed by a point moving in a fixed direction and in the reverse direction. The intersection of two planes is a line. ♦ The part of a line that lies between two points on the line is called a line segment.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a spotting, or an observation, used by a spotter or an observer to indicate that a burst(s) occurred on the spotting line.


 a series or rank of objects or persons, usually of the same kind; a series of persons in chronological order, usually of family descent.


Past participle: lined
Gerund: lining
I line
you line
he/she/it lines
we line
you line
they line
I lined
you lined
he/she/it lined
we lined
you lined
they lined
Present Continuous
I am lining
you are lining
he/she/it is lining
we are lining
you are lining
they are lining
Present Perfect
I have lined
you have lined
he/she/it has lined
we have lined
you have lined
they have lined
Past Continuous
I was lining
you were lining
he/she/it was lining
we were lining
you were lining
they were lining
Past Perfect
I had lined
you had lined
he/she/it had lined
we had lined
you had lined
they had lined
I will line
you will line
he/she/it will line
we will line
you will line
they will line
Future Perfect
I will have lined
you will have lined
he/she/it will have lined
we will have lined
you will have lined
they will have lined
Future Continuous
I will be lining
you will be lining
he/she/it will be lining
we will be lining
you will be lining
they will be lining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been lining
you have been lining
he/she/it has been lining
we have been lining
you have been lining
they have been lining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been lining
you will have been lining
he/she/it will have been lining
we will have been lining
you will have been lining
they will have been lining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been lining
you had been lining
he/she/it had been lining
we had been lining
you had been lining
they had been lining
I would line
you would line
he/she/it would line
we would line
you would line
they would line
Past Conditional
I would have lined
you would have lined
he/she/it would have lined
we would have lined
you would have lined
they would have lined


To place greaseproof or wax paper inside a cooking tin.
Noun1.line - a formation of people or things one beside anotherline - a formation of people or things one beside another; "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed"; "they were arrayed in line of battle"; "the cast stood in line for the curtain call"rivet line - a line of rivets at a seam; "the fuselage cracked along the rivet line"chorus line, chorus - a body of dancers or singers who perform togetherdiagonal - an oblique line of squares of the same color on a checkerboard; "the bishop moves on the diagonals"formation - an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes"linemen - the football players who line up on the line of scrimmagelineup - a line of persons arranged by police for inspection or identificationrow - an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line; "a row of chairs"rank - a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another; "the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen"
2.line - a mark that is long relative to its width; "He drew a line on the chart"cross hair, cross wire - either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration; "he had the target in his cross hairs"print, mark - a visible indication made on a surface; "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere"dotted line - a line made up of dots or dashes; often used to indicate where you are supposed to sign a contract; "just sign on the dotted line"ascender - (printing) the part of tall lowercase letters that extends above the other lowercase lettersbar line - a vertical line before the accented beat marking the boundary between musical barsdescender - (printing) the part of lowercase letters that extends below the other lowercase letterssquiggle, curlicue - a short twisting linespectrum line - an isolated component of a spectrum formed by radiation at a uniform frequencytrend line - a line on a graph indicating a statistical trendisometric, isometric line - a line connecting isometric pointsgraduation - a line (as on a vessel or ruler) that marks a measurement; "the ruler had 16 graduations per inch"guideline - a light line that is used in lettering to help align the lettershairline - a very thin lineshaft - a line that forms the length of an arrow pointerserif, seriph - a short line at the end of the main strokes of a characterstaff line - any of the 5 horizontal marks comprising a staffledger line, leger line - a short line; a notation for extending the range above or below the staff
3.line - a formation of people or things one behind another; "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter"diagonal - an oblique line of squares of the same color on a checkerboard; "the bishop moves on the diagonals"formation - an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes"Indian file, single file, file - a line of persons or things ranged one behind the otherline of march - the arrangement of people in a line for marchingline of succession - the order in which individuals are expected to succeed one another in some official positionpicket line - a line of people acting as picketsconga line - a line of people in single file performing the conga dancetrap line - a line or series of trapsqueue, waiting line - a line of people or vehicles waiting for something
4.line - a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving pointshape, form - the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape"curve - a line on a graph representing datacurve, curved shape - the trace of a point whose direction of motion changesstraight line - a line traced by a point traveling in a constant direction; a line of zero curvature; "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line"geodesic, geodesic line - (mathematics) the shortest line between two points on a mathematically defined surface (as a straight line on a plane or an arc of a great circle on a sphere)perimeter - a line enclosing a plane areascenter line, centerline - a line that bisects a plane figurebound, boundary, edge - a line determining the limits of an area
5.line - text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen; "the letter consisted of three short lines"; "there are six lines in every stanza"opening line - the first line of a piece of writing (as a newspaper story)header, heading, head - a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about; "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text"line of poetry, line of verse - a single line of words in a poemby-line, credit line - a line giving the name of the writer of a story or articledateline - a line at the beginning of a news article giving the date and place of origin of the news dispatchverse line, verse - a line of metrical texttext, textual matter - the words of something written; "there were more than a thousand words of text"; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech"; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"letter, missive - a written message addressed to a person or organization; "mailed an indignant letter to the editor"gag line, punch line, tag line, laugh line - the point of a joke or humorous storyactor's line, words, speech - words making up the dialogue of a play; "the actor forgot his speech"orphan - the first line of a paragraph that is set as the last line of a page or columnstanza - a fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poemsound bite - a very short speech; usually on radio or televisionbottom line - the last line in an audit; the line that shows profit or loss
6.line - a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrumelectromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, nonparticulate radiation - radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric chargeelectromagnetic spectrum - the entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves
7.line - a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops); "they attacked the enemy's line"armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"firing line - the line from which soldiers deliver firebattlefront, front line, front - the line along which opposing armies face each otherline of battle - a line formed by troops or ships prepared to deliver or receive an attackbattle line - the line along which warring troops meetmilitary position, position - a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
8.line - a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood; the methodical process of logical reasoning; "I can't follow your line of reasoning"line of reasoning, logical argument, argumentation, argumentabstract thought, logical thinking, reasoning - thinking that is coherent and logicalline of inquiry, line of questioning - an ordering of questions so as to develop a particular argumentcasuistry - argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleadingpolicy - a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation"
9.line - a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric powerline - a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric powertransmission line, cablecable system, cable television service, cable television, cable - a television system that transmits over cablescoax, coax cable, coaxial cable - a transmission line for high-frequency signalsconductor - a device designed to transmit electricity, heat, etc.electrical cable - a cable that provides an electrical connection for telephone or television or power stationsfiber optic cable, fibre optic cable - a cable made of optical fibers that can transmit large amounts of information at the speed of lightpower cable, power line - cable used to distribute electricityprinter cable - a cable between a computer and a printerphone system, telephone system - a communication system that transmits sound between distant points
10.line - a connected series of events or actions or developments; "the government took a firm course"; "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"courseseries - similar things placed in order or happening one after another; "they were investigating a series of bank robberies"stream, current, flow - dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; "two streams of development run through American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of thought"; "the current of history"
11.line - a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extentlocation - a point or extent in spaceparting, part - a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle"axis - a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditionsaclinic line, magnetic equator - an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dipagonic line - an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zeroisogonal line, isogone, isogonic line - an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is the samecrest - the top line of a hill, mountain, or wavetimber line, timberline, tree line - line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudessnow line - the line on a mountain above which there is perpetual snow and icefault line - (geology) line determined by the intersection of a geological fault and the earth's surfacegreat circle - a circular line on the surface of a sphere formed by intersecting it with a plane passing through the centerhemline - the line formed by the lower edge of a skirt or coathipline - the line formed by the lower edge of hip-length garmenthipline - the line formed by measuring the hip at its greatest partapparent horizon, horizon, sensible horizon, visible horizon, skyline - the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meetisarithm, isogram, isopleth - a line drawn on a map connecting points having the same numerical value of some variableflight line - place where airplanes are parked and the maintenance hangars (but not the runways or taxiways)line of sight, line of vision - an imaginary straight line along which an observer looksline of latitude, parallel of latitude, parallel, latitude - an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equatorlunar latitude - an imaginary line around the moon parallel to its equatoritinerary, route, path - an established line of travel or accessquadrant, quarter-circle - a quarter of the circumference of a circleloxodrome, rhumb, rhumb line - a line on a sphere that cuts all meridians at the same angle; the path taken by a ship or plane that maintains a constant compass directiondanger line - a line beyond which it is dangerous to goside - a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure; "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side"water line, waterline, water level - a line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat on an even keel; often painted on the hull of a shipwatermark, water line - a line marking the level reached by a body of waterwater parting, watershed, divide - a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systemstrack, path, course - a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river"field line, line of force - an imaginary line in a field of force; direction of the line at any point is the direction of the force at that point
12.line - a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface; "his face has many lines"; "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles"crinkle, wrinkle, crease, furrow, seamcutis, skin, tegument - a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch; "your skin is the largest organ of your body"imprint, impression, depression - a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud"crow's feet, crow's foot, laugh line - a wrinkle in the skin at the outer corner of your eyesdermatoglyphic - the lines that form patterns on the skin (especially on the fingertips and the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet)frown line - a facial wrinkle associated with frowninglife line, lifeline, line of life - a crease on the palm; its length is said by palmists to indicate how long you will liveheart line, line of heart, love line, mensal line - a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates your emotional natureline of destiny, line of fate, line of Saturn - a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates how successful you will be
13.line - a pipe used to transport liquids or gases; "a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport"pipelinegas line - a pipeline used to transport natural gas; "the workmen broke through the gas line"oil pipeline - a pipeline used to transport oilpipage, pipe, piping - a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
14.line - the road consisting of railroad track and roadbedline - the road consisting of railroad track and roadbedrail line, railway linebranch line, spur track, spur - a railway line connected to a trunk linerailroad bed - a bed on which railroad track is laidrailroad track, railway, railroad - a line of track providing a runway for wheels; "he walked along the railroad track"road, route - an open way (generally public) for travel or transportationtrunk line, trunk route - line that is the main route on a railway
15.line - a telephone connectionline - a telephone connection phone line, subscriber line, telephone circuit, telephone lineconnecter, connector, connective, connection, connexion - an instrumentality that connects; "he soldered the connection"; "he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers"digital subscriber line, DSL - a generic name for digital lines that are provided by telephone companies to their local subscribers and that carry data at high speedshot line - a direct telephone line between two officialsland line, landline - a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits; "a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave"party line - a telephone line serving two or more subscribersprivate line - a telephone line serving a single subscribertoll line - a telephone line for long-distance callstrunk line - a telephone line connecting two exchanges directlyWATS, WATS line - a telephone line;long distance service at fixed rates for fixed zones; an acronym for wide area telephone service
16.line - acting in conformity; "in line with"; "he got out of line"; "toe the line"abidance, compliance, conformity, conformation - acting according to certain accepted standards; "their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices"
17.line - the descendants of one individualline - the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"ancestry, blood line, bloodline, lineage, pedigree, stemma, line of descent, parentage, blood, descent, origin, stockkinfolk, kinsfolk, phratry, family line, sept, folk, family - people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"side - a family line of descent; "he gets his brains from his father's side"family tree, genealogy - successive generations of kin
18.line - something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; "a washing line"artefact, artifact - a man-made object taken as a wholebecket - (nautical) a short line with an eye at one end and a knot at the other; used to secure loose items on a shipbitter end - (nautical) the inboard end of a line or cable especially the end that is wound around a bittcord - a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord"drip loop - a downward hanging loop in a line that runs to a building; "when it rained water would fall from the drip loop before it reached the building"laniard, lanyard - (nautical) a line used for extending or fastening rigging on shipslifeline - line thrown from a vessel that people can cling to in order to save themselves from drowninglifeline - line that raises or lowers a deep-sea divermooring line, mooring - (nautical) a line that holds an object (especially a boat) in placepainter - a line that is attached to the bow of a boat and used for tying up (as when docking or towing)ratlin, ratline - (nautical) a small horizontal rope between the shrouds of a sailing ship; they form a ladder for climbing aloftrope - a strong linemainsheet, weather sheet, shroud, tack, sheet - (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the windshroud - a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachutestrand - line consisting of a complex of fibers or filaments that are twisted together to form a thread or a rope or a cabletowing line, towing rope, towline, towrope - (nautical) a rope used in towingtrace - either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
19.line - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn moneyline - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business"job, line of work, occupation, businessactivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"confectionery - the occupation and skills of a confectionersport - the occupation of athletes who compete for payfarming, land - agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life; "farming is a strenuous life"; "there's no work on the land any more"biz, game - your occupation or line of work; "he's in the plumbing game"; "she's in show biz"calling, career, vocation - the particular occupation for which you are trainedemployment, work - the occupation for which you are paid; "he is looking for employment"; "a lot of people are out of work"appointment - the job to which you are (or hope to be) appointed; "he applied for an appointment in the treasury"berth, billet, post, situation, position, office, place, spot - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"salt mine, treadmill - a job involving drudgery and confinementcraft, trade - the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"profession - an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)metier, medium - an occupation for which you are especially well suited; "in law he found his true metier"accountancy, accounting - the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a businessphotography - the occupation of taking and printing photographs or making moviescatering - providing food and services
20.line - in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing areaprint, mark - a visible indication made on a surface; "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere"balkline, baulk-line, string line - line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a gamefinish line, finishing line - a line indicating the location of the finish of a racefoul line - lines through 1st and 3rd base indicating the boundaries of a baseball fieldfoul line - a line across a bowling alley that a bowler must not crossfoul line - a line from which basketball players take penalty shotsbaseline - the lines a baseball player must follow while running the basesgoal line - a line marking each end of the playing field or pitch; where the goals standred line - a line that is colored red and that bisects an ice hockey rinkline of scrimmage, scrimmage line - line parallel to the goal lines where football linesmen line up at the start of each play in American football; "the runner was tackled at the line of scrimmage"service line, baseline - the back line bounding each end of a tennis or handball court; when serving the server must not step over this lineout of bounds, sideline - a line that marks the side boundary of a playing fieldscratch line, starting line, scratch, start - a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a gameyard line - in football; line parallel to the goal lines indicating position on the field
21.line - (often plural) a means of communication or access; "it must go through official channels"; "lines of communication were set up between the two firms"communication channel, channelcommunicating, communication - the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information; "they could not act without official communication from Moscow"back channel - an alternative to the regular channels of communication that is used when agreements must be made secretly (especially in diplomacy or government); "they negotiated via a back channel"lens - (metaphor) a channel through which something can be seen or understood; "the writer is the lens through which history can be seen"inter-group communication, liaison, contact, link - a channel for communication between groups; "he provided a liaison with the guerrillas"plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than oneline of gab, patter, spiel - plausible glib talk (especially useful to a salesperson)
22.line - a particular kind of product or merchandiseline - a particular kind of product or merchandise; "a nice line of shoes"business line, line of business, line of merchandise, line of products, product linemerchandise, product, ware - commodities offered for sale; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"sideline - an auxiliary line of merchandisetop of the line - the best (most expensive) in a given line of merchandise
23.line - a commercial organization serving as a common carrierairline business, airline, airway - a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengersrailroad, railroad line, railway, railway line, railway system - line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freightsteamship company, steamship line - a line responsible for the operation of a fleet of steamshipstransit line - a line providing public transittransportation, transportation system, transit - a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goodscommon carrier, carrier - a person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages
24.line - space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertisingline - space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertisingagate linearea unit, square measure - a system of units used to measure areas
25.line - the maximum credit that a customer is allowedbank line, credit line, line of credit, personal credit line, personal line of creditconsumer credit - a line of credit extended for personal or household usecredit - money available for a client to borrow
26.line - a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequenceline - a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, tune, strain, airtucket, fanfare, flourish - (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments; "he entered to a flourish of trumpets"; "her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare"glissando - a rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scaleroulade - (music) an elaborate run of several notes sung to one syllablemusic - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannerleitmotif, leitmotiv - a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)theme song - a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or moviesignature tune, theme song, signature - a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv programmelodic theme, musical theme, theme, idea - (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"part, voice - the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part"musical phrase, phrase - a short musical passage
27.line - persuasive but insincere talk that is usually intended to deceive or impress; "`let me show you my etchings' is a rather worn line"; "he has a smooth line but I didn't fall for it"; "that salesman must have practiced his fast line of talk"persuasion, suasion - the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action
28.line - a short personal letterline - a short personal letter; "drop me a line when you get there"billet, short letter, notepersonal letter - a letter dealing with personal affairsexcuse - a note explaining an absence; "he had to get his mother to write an excuse for him"
29.line - a conceptual separation or distinction; "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"dividing line, demarcation, contrastdifferentiation, distinction - a discrimination between things as different and distinct; "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation"point of no return, Rubicon - a line that when crossed permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment
30.line - mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on itline - mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on itassembly line, production lineconveyer belt, conveyor belt, conveyor, conveyer, transporter - a moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)factory, manufactory, manufacturing plant, mill - a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturingmechanical system - a system of elements that interact on mechanical principles
Verb1.line - be in line with; form a line along; "trees line the riverbank"run alongrim - run around the rim of; "Sugar rimmed the dessert plate"lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
2.line - cover the interior of; "line the gloves"; "line a chimney"reline - provide with a new lining; "the old fur coat must be relined"face - line the edge (of a garment) with a different material; "face the lapels of the jacket"crib - line with beams or planks; "crib a construction hole"babbitt - line with a Babbitt metalcover - provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"
3.line - make a mark or lines on a surfaceline - make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"trace, describe, draw, delineatemark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads"construct - draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions; "construct an equilateral triangle"inscribe - draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possiblecircumscribe - draw a line around; "He drew a circle around the points"circumscribe - to draw a geometric figure around another figure so that the two are in contact but do not intersectdraw - engage in drawing; "He spent the day drawing in the garden"draw - represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"; "Draw me a horse"write - mark or trace on a surface; "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"; "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet"
4.line - mark with lines; "sorrow had lined his face"reline - put new lines on; "reline the paper"nock, score, mark - make small marks into the surface of; "score the clay before firing it"hatch - draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper; "hatch the sheet"crisscross - mark with or consist of a pattern of crossed lines; "wrinkles crisscrossed her face"
5.line - fill plentifully; "line one's pockets"fill, fill up, make full - make full, also in a metaphorical sense; "fill a container"; "fill the child with pride"
6.line - reinforce with fabric; "lined books are more enduring"reenforce, reinforce - make stronger; "he reinforced the concrete"


1noun1. stroke, mark, rule, score, bar, band, channel, dash, scratch, slash, underline, streak, stripe, groove Draw a line down the centre of the page.2. wrinkle, mark, crease, furrow, crow's foot He has a large, generous face with deep lines.3. row, queue, rank, file, series, column, sequence, convoy, procession, crocodile (Brit.) Children clutching empty bowls form a line.4. script, part, words, dialogue Learning lines is easy. Acting is difficult.5. string, cable, wire, strand, rope, thread, cord, filament, wisp a piece of fishing line6. trajectory, way, course, track, channel, direction, route, path, axis Walk in a straight line.7. outline, shape, figure, style, cut, features, appearance, profile, silhouette, configuration, contour a dress that follows the line of the body8. boundary, mark, limit, edge, border, frontier, partition, borderline, demarcation the California state line9. (Military) formation, front, position, front line, trenches, firing line the fortification they called the Maginot Line10. approach, policy, position, way, course, practice, scheme, method, technique, procedure, tactic, avenue, ideology, course of action The government promised to take a hard line on terrorism.11. course, way, direction, tendency, drift, tack What are the benefits of this line of research?12. occupation, work, calling, interest, business, job, area, trade, department, field, career, activity, bag (slang), employment, province, profession, pursuit, forte, vocation, specialization What was your father's line of business?13. brand, make, sort, kind, product, type, label His best selling line is the cheapest lager at £1.99.14. lineage, family, breed, succession, race, stock, strain, descent, ancestry, parentage We were part of a long line of artists.15. note, message, letter, memo, report, word, card, e-mail, postcard My phone doesn't work, so drop me a line.16. series, chain, string, sequence, procession the latest in a long line of successes17. patter, story, pitch, spiel (informal) Don't be fooled by that line about having seen you before somewhere.18. clue, lead, hint, indication No one seems able to pursue a line of inquiry far enough to get an answer.plural noun1. principle, plan, example, model, pattern, procedure, convention so-called autonomous republics based on ethnic linesverb1. border, edge, bound, fringe, rank, skirt, verge, rim Thousands of people lined the streets as the procession went by.2. mark, draw, crease, furrow, cut, rule, score, trace, underline, inscribe Her face was lined with concern.draw the line at something object to, prohibit, stop short at, set a limit at, put your foot down over He declared that he would draw the line at hitting a woman.in line1. in alignment, lined, level, true, straight, lined up, in a row, plumb Venus, the Sun and Earth were all in line.2. under control, in order, in check All this was just designed to frighten me and keep me in line.3. in a queue, in a row, in a column I had been standing in line for three hours.in line for due for, being considered for, a candidate for, shortlisted for, in the running for, on the short list for, next in succession to He must be in line for a place in the Guinness Book of Records.in line with in accord, in agreement, in harmony, in step, in conformity This is in line with medical opinion.line something up1. align, order, range, arrange, sequence, array, regiment, dispose, marshal, straighten, straighten up, put in a line He lined the glasses up behind the bar.2. prepare, schedule, organize, secure, obtain, come up with, assemble, get together, lay on, procure He's lining up a two-week tour for the New Year.line up queue up, file, fall in, form a queue, form ranks The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows.on the line at risk, in danger, in an endangered position, in jeopardy He wouldn't put his career on the line to help a friend.toe the line conform, agree, yield, comply, play ball (informal), follow the crowd, run with the pack He's one of the politicians who wouldn't toe the party line.


2verb fill, face, cover, reinforce, encase, inlay, interline, ceil They line their dens with leaves or grass.


noun1. An indentation or seam on the skin, especially on the face:crease, crinkle, furrow, wrinkle.2. A method used in dealing with something:approach, attack, course, modus operandi, plan, procedure, tack, technique.3. An official or prescribed plan or course of action:policy, procedure, program.4. Activity pursued as a livelihood:art, business, calling, career, craft, employment, job, métier, occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work.Slang: racket.Archaic: employ.5. A product or products bought and sold in commerce:commodity, good (used in plural), merchandise, ware.6. A group of people or things arranged in a row:column, file, queue, rank, row, string, tier.7. One's ancestors or their character or one's ancestral derivation:ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, descent, extraction, family, genealogy, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, seed, stock.verbTo place in or form a line or lines.Also used with up:align, range.


(lain) noun1. (a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc. She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line. 繩,線 绳索等2. a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe. She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line. 直線,條紋 线3. outline or shape especially relating to length or direction. The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line. 外形,線條 外形4. a groove on the skin; a wrinkle. 皺紋 条纹5. a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other. The children stood in a line; a line of trees.6. a short letter. I'll drop him a line. 短箋 短信7. a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family. a line of kings. 家族 家系8. a track or direction. He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research. 路線 路线9. the railway or a single track of the railway. Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only. 鐵路,鐵軌 铁路,铁轨 10. a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another. a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged. 線路 线路11. a row of written or printed words. The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines. (字的)一行 (字的)一行 12. a regular service of ships, aircraft etc. a shipping line. 航線 航线13. a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc. This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line. 行業 行业14. an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight. fighting in the front line. 戰線 战线 verb1. to form lines along. Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen. 排成一列 使排成一列2. to mark with lines. 用線標示 用线标示lineage (ˈliniidʒ) noun ancestry. 世系 世系linear (ˈliniə) adjective of, consisting of or like a line or lines. 直線的,線狀的 直线的,线性的 lined adjective having lines. lined paper; a lined face. 有線條的,有紋路的 有线条的,起皱纹的 ˈliner noun a ship or aircraft of a regular line or company. They sailed to America in a large liner. 客輪,班機 客轮,班机 lines noun plural the words an actor has to say. He had difficulty remembering his lines. 台詞 台词ˈlinesman (ˈlainz-) noun in sport, a judge or umpire at a boundary line. 邊線裁判員 边线裁判员,巡边员 hard lines! bad luck!. 真倒楣! 真倒霉!in line for likely to get or to be given something. He is in line for promotion. 下一個輪到 可以得到in/out of line with in or out of agreement with. His views are out of line with those of his colleagues. 與...一致,與...不一致 跟 ... 一致/跟 ... 不一致 line up1. to form a line. The children lined up ready to leave the classroom; She lined up the chairs. 排隊 排队2. to collect and arrange in readiness. We've lined up several interesting guests to appear on the programme (noun ˈline-up). 組織,邀集 组织,邀集 read between the lines to understand something (from a piece of writing etc) which is not actually stated. 領悟出箇中含意 体会言外之意


(lain) verb1. to cover on the inside. She lined the box with newspaper. 加襯 加衬里2. to put a lining in. She lined the dress with silk. 給...加襯裏 给...装村里 lined adjective (negative unlined) having a lining. a lined skirt. 加上內襯的 装衬里的ˈliner noun something used for lining. a dustbin liner; a nappy liner. 內襯,襯墊 衬垫ˈlining noun1. (a) covering on the inside. The basket had a padded lining. 襯墊 衬垫2. a fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. The lining of my jacket is torn. 內襯 衬里


直线zhCN, 队列zhCN
  • Is this the end of the line? (US)
    Is this the end of the queue? (UK) → 是在这里排队吗?
  • Which line should I take for ...? → 去...应乘坐哪条线?
  • I want to make an outside call. May I have a line? (US)
    I want to make an outside call, can I have a line? (UK) → 我想打外线,能给我接外线吗?
  • It's a bad line → 线路不清楚



1. A series of words, as in a conversation, poem, song, etc. He fed the reporters some line about being dedicated to the average worker, but we all know that's a lie. Our songs are really collaborative efforts, and we usually toss lines back and forth to see what fits the song best.2. slang A line of a powdered drug, especially cocaine, meant to be inhaled through one's nose. I walked in to find them snorting lines of coke off our living room table. I started out doing a line or two in the morning to help pick me up for work, but then I slowly found myself needing to keep doing throughout the day.


1. n. a story or argument; a story intended to seduce someone. (see also lines.) Don’t feed me that line. Do you think I was born yesterday? 2. and rail n. a dose of finely cut cocaine arranged in a line, ready for insufflation or snorting. Let’s you and me go do some lines, okay? The addict usually “snorts” one or two of these “rails” with some sort of a tube.


n. words; conversation. (see also line.) We tossed some lines back and forth for a while and then split. See also: line
  • (one) has to draw a/the line somewhere
  • (one's) butt is on the line
  • (one's) line of country
  • (the) top of the line
  • a dead cat on the line
  • a fine line
  • a fine line between something
  • a hot line
  • a line in the sand
  • a line on (someone or something)
  • a thin line
  • all along the line
  • all along/down the line
  • all the way down the line
  • along the line
  • along the lines
  • along the lines of
  • along the lines of (something)
  • along the right lines
  • along those lines
  • at the end of the line
  • be along the lines of (something)
  • be in line
  • be in line for
  • be in line for something
  • be in the firing line
  • be in the front line
  • be in the pipeline
  • be on the line
  • be on the lines of (something)
  • be on the right lines
  • be out of line
  • below the breadline
  • blow (one's) lines
  • blow it
  • blow one’s lines
  • bottom line
  • bottom of the line
  • bright-line
  • bright-line rule
  • bring (someone or something) into line
  • bring into line
  • bring somebody/something into line
  • cash on the barrelhead
  • choose the line of least resistance
  • chow down
  • clear (one's) lines
  • close ranks
  • color inside the lines
  • color outside the lines
  • come down to the line
  • come in(to) line
  • come into line
  • come on line
  • come online
  • cross the line
  • cut in line
  • dead cat on the line
  • do a line
  • do a line with (someone)
  • do a line with someone
  • don't give me that line
  • don't hand me that line
  • down the line
  • draw (the) battle lines
  • draw a line
  • draw a line between
  • draw a line between (two things)
  • draw a line in the sand
  • draw a line under (something)
  • draw a line under something
  • draw the line
  • draw the line at
  • draw the line at (something)
  • draw the line at, to
  • draw the line between and else Go to draw a line between
  • drop (one) a few lines
  • drop (one) a line
  • drop (one) a note
  • drop a line
  • drop a line and drop a few lines; drop a note
  • drop somebody a line/note
  • drop someone a line
  • end of the line
  • fall for (someone or something) hook, line, and sinker
  • fall for someone hook, line and sinker
  • fall for something hook, line and sinker
  • fall in line
  • fall in(to) line
  • fall into line
  • feed (one) a line
  • feed someone a line
  • fire a line
  • firing line
  • firing line, on the
  • fix up
  • flatline
  • fluff (one's) lines
  • fluff lines
  • get (one's) lines crossed
  • get (one's) wires crossed
  • get a line on
  • get a line on (someone or something)
  • get a line on someone
  • get in(to) line
  • get your lines/wires crossed
  • get your wires crossed
  • give (one) a line
  • give a line
  • go down the line
  • go on
  • go online
  • hard line
  • hard lines
  • hard lines!
  • hard luck/lines
  • have a line on (someone or something)
  • hold the line
  • hook, line and sinker
  • hook, line, and sinker
  • hot line
  • hotline
  • in keeping
  • in line
  • in line for
  • in line for something
  • in line with (someone or something)
  • in the firing line
  • in the front line
  • in the front line(s) (of something)
  • in the line of duty
  • in the line of fire
  • in/out of line with somebody/something
  • keep in line
  • lay (one's) life on the line
  • lay (something) on the line
  • lay it on the line
  • lay it on the line, to
  • lay on the line
  • lay some sweet lines on
  • lay some sweet lines on (one)
  • lay some sweet lines on someone
  • lead the line
  • least resistance, line of
  • line
  • line (one's) (own) pocket(s)
  • line (something) with (something)
  • line in the sand
  • line of country
  • line of fire, in the
  • line of least resistance
  • line on
  • line one’s own pocket
  • line one’s own pockets
  • line one's pockets
  • line one's pockets, to
  • line own pocket
  • line pockets
  • line up
  • line up against
  • line up along
  • line up alongside
  • line up behind
  • line up for
  • line up for (something)
  • line up in
  • line up on
  • line up with
  • line with
  • line your /somebody's pocket
  • line your pocket
  • line your pockets
  • lines
  • move the goal line
  • muff (one's) lines
  • next in line
  • offline
  • off-line
  • on line
  • on the firing line
  • on the front line(s) of (something)
  • on the line
  • on the lines of (something)
  • on the right lines
  • on/along the lines of...
  • One has to draw the line somewhere
  • online
  • out of line
  • over the line
  • overstep the mark/line
  • party line
  • party line, the
  • pitch (one) a line
  • pitch a line/story/yarn
  • put (one's) butt on the line
  • put (one's) life on the line
  • put (one's) neck on the line
  • put (oneself) on the line
  • put it on the line
  • put neck on the line
  • put some sweet lines on (one)
  • put some sweet lines on someone
  • put your neck on the line
  • put yourself on the line
  • read between the lines
  • read between the lines, to
  • run down some lines
  • shoot a line
  • sign on the dotted line
  • sign on the dotted line, to
  • somewhere along the line
  • somewhere, etc. along/down the line
  • spin (one) a line
  • stag line
  • step out of line
  • swallow (something) hook, line, and sinker
  • swallow hook, line, and sinker
  • take a firm line (on or against something)
  • take a firm line/stand
  • take a hard line
  • take the line of least resistance
  • the battle lines are drawn
  • the betting (line) is (that)
  • the bottom line
  • the dotted line
  • the end of the line
  • the end of the road
  • the end of the road/line
  • the line of least resistance
  • the party line
  • there is a fine line between
  • toe the line
  • toe the line/mark, to
  • toe the mark
  • tread a fine line between (something)
  • tread a thin line between (something)
  • tread/walk a fine/thin line
  • walk a fine line between (something)
  • walk a fine line between something
  • walk a thin line
  • walk the line
  • What's the betting (line)
  • Who's on the phone?
See line
See line



 [līn] 1. a stripe, streak, or narrow ridge" >ridge; sometimes only an imaginary connector between two anatomic landmarks. Called also linea. adj., adj lin´ear.2. tubing on a catheter.absorption l's dark lines in the spectrum due to absorption of light by the substance through which the light has passed.arterial line a monitoring system that uses an artery for access and consists of a catheter in the artery, pressure tubing, a transducer, and an electronic monitoring device. The most common uses of arterial lines are for monitoring of systemic blood pressure and obtaining arterial blood for analysis.Beau's l's transverse lines or grooves in the nail plate caused by various systemic and local traumatic factors.Beau's line. From Polaski and Tatro, 1996.bismuth line a thin blue-black line along the gingival margin in bismuth poisoning.blue line lead line.cement line a line visible in microscopic examination of bone in cross section, marking the boundary of an osteon (haversian system).cervical line anatomical designation for the junction" >cementoenamel junction.cleavage l's Langer's lines.line of Douglas a crescentic line marking the termination of the posterior layer of the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle.l's of election lines of expression.epiphyseal line one on the surface of an adult long bone, marking the junction of the epiphysis and diaphysis.l's of expression the natural skin lines and creases of the face and neck; the preferred lines of incision in facial and cervical surgery.gingival line 1. a line determined by the level to which the gingiva extends on a tooth; called also gum line.2. any linear mark visible on the surface of the gingiva.gluteal line any of the three rough curved lines (anterior, inferior, and posterior) on the gluteal surface of the ala of the ilium.gum line gingival line (def. 1).hot line see hot line.iliopectineal line the ridge on the ilium and pubes showing the brim of the true pelvis.incremental l's lines supposedly showing the successive layers deposited in a tissue, as in the tooth enamel.intertrochanteric line one running obliquely from the greater to the lesser trochanter on the anterior surface of the femur.Langer's l's linear clefts in the skin indicative of the direction of the fibers; they correspond closely to the creases of the body but vary with body configuration. Lines of incision made parallel to them are thought to heal more efficiently. Called also cleavage lines.lead line a purple-blue line at the edge of the gums in chronic lead poisoning" >lead poisoning; called also blue line.lip line a line on the teeth at the level to which the margin of either lip extends.median line an imaginary vertical line dividing the body equally into right and left parts.milk line the line of thickened epithelium in the embryo along which the mammary glands are developed.mylohyoid line a ridge on the inner surface of the lower jaw from the base of the symphysis to the ascending rami behind the last molar tooth.nuchal l's three lines (inferior, superior, and highest) on the outer surface of the occipital bone.pectinate line one marking the junction of the zone of the anal canal lined with stratified squamous epithelium and the zone lined with columnar epithelium.semilunar line a curved line along the lateral border of each rectus abdominis muscle, marking the meeting of the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.Shenton's line a curved line seen in radiographs of the normal hip, formed by the top of the obturator foramen; it is used to determine the relationship between the head of the femur and the acetabulum.temporal l's curved ridges, inferior and superior, on the external surface of the parietal bone, continuous with the temporal line of the frontal bone, a ridge that extends upward and backward from the zygomatic process of the frontal bone.terminal line one on the inner surface of each pelvic bone, from the sacroiliac joint to the iliopubic eminence anteriorly, separating the false from the true pelvis.visual line a line from the point of vision of the retina to the object of vision; called also visual axis.


(līn), [TA] 1. A mark, strip, or streak.
See also: linea.
2. anatomy a long, narrow mark, strip, or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation.
See also: linea.
3. A unit of measurement used by histologists in the 19th century; it varied in different countries from one tenth to one twelfth of an English inch. 4. A laboratory derivative of a stock of organisms maintained under defined physical conditions. 5. A section of tubing supplying fluid or wire conducting impulses for monitoring equipment; for example, intravenous line, arterial line, electric line. Synonym(s): linea [TA] [L. linea, a linen thread, a string, line, fr. linum, flax]


Clinical medicine A popular term for an IV catheter Drug slang An elongated trail of relatively pure pulverized cocaine, usually snorted through a straw Telemedicine A telecommunication wire or other conduit. See Copper line, Digital subscriber line, Hotline, Medline, Leased line, T-1 line, T-3 line Vox populi A 2-D streak or mark or strip. See Bottom line, E-1 line, Fine line, Frankfort (horizontal) line, Gatekeeper guideline, Harvard guideline, Iliopectineal line, Intertrochanteric line, Lead line, Marionette line, Midclavicular line, Ohngren's line, Regression line, Skinner's line, Squamocolumnar Z line.


(līn) 1. A long, narrow mark or a strand of material. 2. anatomy Any linear mark or streak distinguished from adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation. 3. A strain of cells or organisms derived from a single ancestor or precursor. 4. A section of tubing supplying fluid or conducting impulses for monitoring equipment (e.g., intravenous line, arterial line).
Synonym(s): linea [TA] .
[L. linea, a linen thread, a string, line, fr. linum, flax]


a subpopulation with certain characteristics in common. Thus a population of insects might be divided into several lines, depending on their tolerance to insecticides, and each line may be further inbred.


1. The connection between two points. 2. In anatomy, a long narrow band or streak that is distinct from the surrounding tissues by colour or texture.
base line The line joining the centres of rotation of the two eyes. It is approximately equal to the interpupillary distance (Fig. L20). See interocular distance.
demand line The line in Donders' diagram that represents the perfect amount of convergence required for each level of accommodation, for single binocular vision. Syn. orthophoria line; Donders' line.
line of direction Line joining an object in space with its image on the retina (allowing for the optical properties of the eye). The line joining the fixation point to the fovea is called the principal line of direction. However, the object appears to lie along a visual direction and that direction in visual space associated with the fovea is called the principal visual direction. All other visual directions associated with other retinal points are called secondary visual directions. The principal line of direction and the principal visual direction coincide, but the former indicates the direction towards the eye, while the latter indicates the direction away from the eye. See law of identical visual directions.
Donders' line See demand line.
Egger's line See ligament of Wieger.
Ferry's line A line containing iron located in the corneal epithelium and adjacent to limbal filtering blebs. It may occur as a result of trabeculectomy.
line of fixation See fixation axis.
Fleischer's line See Fleischer's ring.
focal line Any astigmatic optical system produces two mutually, usually perpendicular, focal lines of a point object. The focal lines are situated at different image distances. Each focal line lies parallel to its associated cylinder axis. Syn. image line; line focus; Sturm's line. See circle of least confusion; conoid of Sturm; interval of Sturm.
line focus See focal line.
Fraunhofer's line's Fine dark lines distributed throughout the length of the solar spectrum due to the absorption of specific wavelengths by elements in the atmosphere of the sun and the earth. Fraunhofer observed about 600 of these lines and denoted the most prominent ones by letters from A in the extreme red to K in the violet. Examples: A corresponds to 759.4 nm, C to 656.3 nm, D to 589.3 nm, F to 486.1 nm, etc. See constringence; solar spectrum.
line of Gennari A distinctive white stripe in the middle of the fourth layer of the visual cortex containing the termination of the optic radiation fibres, as well as intracortical connections. The stripe appears above and below the calcarine fissure except in the most anterior part of the fissure where it only appears below. Syn. area striata; stria of Gennari. See visual area; calcarine fissure.
Hudson-Stähli line A yellowish-brown, more or less horizontal line containing iron which runs across the cornea below the centre. It occurs in normal corneas, more frequently in the elderly, or in association with corneal opacities.
iron line Deposits of iron within the corneal epithelium appearing as a brown rust line. They often subside with time leaving a nebulous scar. Several eponymous types have been described depending on the cause and location. See Hudson-Stähli line; Stocker's line; Coat's white ring; Fleischer's ring; siderosis bulbi.
median line Line formed by the intersection of the median plane and the plane of regard (Fig. L20). Syn. midline.
orthophoria line See demand line.
phoria line On Donders' diagram, it is the line joining all the points representing the passive position of the eyes corresponding to various levels of accommodation.
principal line of vision See line of sight.
pupillary line See pupillary axis.
retinal line Operationally, the collection of retinal elements that are activated in response to a line stimulus.
Sampaolesi's line A pigmented, wavy line anterior to Schwalbe's ring and found mainly in the periphery of the inferior cornea. It may be noted with gonioscopy in pigmentary dispersion syndrome and pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
line of Schwalbe See anterior limiting ring of Schwalbe.
line of sight Line joining the point of fixation to the centre of the entrance pupil. This line is more practical than the visual axis. Syn. principal line of vision.
line spectrum See line spectrum.
Stocker's line An abnormal line containing iron located in the corneal epithelium which may appear in front of the advancing edge of a pterygium.
Sturm's line See focal line.
visual line See visual axis.enlarge picture" >Fig. L20 Base line C 1 C 2 and median line. The base line is situated about 13enlarge pictureFig. L20 Base line C1 C2 and median line. The base line is situated about 13
Table L3 Common spectral lines of the visible spectrum
designationoriginwavelength (nm)


(līn) [TA] anatomy long, narrow mark, strip, or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation.
Synonym(s): linea [TA] .
[L. linea, a linen thread, a string, line, fr. linum, flax]

Patient discussion about line

Q. My vision is blurry and I see zigzag lines, what is it from? Every now and again, usually after sitting a few hours in front of the computer or not sleeping enough at night, I start getting blurry vision. I see zigzag lines in front of my eyes and it can take sometimes an hour to go away. What is this from?A. It sounds like you have a migraine. A migraine that comes with blurry vision and zigzags (an aura) is called a classic migraine. The aura of migraine typically lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. Some patients have prolonged aura symptoms that can last hours to days. The aura also typically ends before the headache itself begins. When migraine aura symptoms are prolonged or last into or through the headache phase these types of migraine are commonly referred to as complicated migraines.

Q. what is the red line when your body temperature drops before you are getting hypothermia? A. Hypothermia is a condition in which an organism's temperature drops below that required for normal metabolism and function. For people in stage 1 hypethermia, body temperature drops by 1-2°C below normal temperature (35-36°C). Mild to strong shivering occurs. In stage 2, body temperature drops by 2-4°C (35-33 degrees). Shivering becomes more violent. Muscle mis-coordination becomes apparent and movements are slow and labored and there is mild confusuin. In stage 3, body temperature drops below approximately 32 °C (89.6 °F). Shivering usually stops and there's difficulty speaking, sluggish thinking, and amnesia start to appear. Cellular metabolic processes shut down. This is life threatening.

Q. can i get lung cancer from second hand smoking? what is the red line amount? how long do i need to expose to a smoking environment before i risk lung cancer ?A. Yes, second hand (or passive) smoking is indeed a risk factor for lung cancer. How much? It depends both on the environment of the passive smoking (e.g. to how many smokers one is exposed) and on genetic factors. Don't know about threshold, but it seems that the more you avoid it the better.

More discussions about line


Related to Line: business line

LINE, descents. The series of persons who have descended from a common ancestor, placed one under the other, in the order of their birth. It connects successively all the relations by blood to each other. Vide Consanguinity; Degree.

 ³ A ³³ s ³ ÚÄ6. Tritavus, Tritavia.³ c ³ ÃÄ5. Atavus, Atavia.³ e ³ ÃÄ4. Abavus, Abavia.³ n ³ Great grand- ³³³ d Ä´ father, great ÃÄ ÃÄ3. Proavus, Proavia.³ i ³ grandmother, ³³³ n ³ ³³ g ³ Grand father, ³³³³ grandmotherÃÄ ÃÄ2. Avus, Avia.³ l ³ ³³ i ³ Father, mother ÃÄ1. Pater, Mater.³ n ³ ³³ e ³ ³
EGO.ÃÄ EGO.³ D ³ ³³ e ³ ³³ s ³ Son.ÃÄ1. Filius.³ c ³ GrandsonÃÄ2. Nepos, Nepti.³ e ³ Great Grandson. ÃÄ3. Pronepos, Proneptis.³ n ³ ÃÄ4. Abnepos, Abneptis.³ d ³ ÃÄ5. Adnepos, Adneptis.³ i ³ ÃÄ6. Trinepos, Trineptis.³ n ³³ g ³³³³ L ³³ i ³³ n ³³ e ³

2. The line is either direct or collateral. The direct line is composed of all the persons who are descended from each other. If, in the direct line, any one person is assumed the propositus, in order to count from him upwards and downwards, the line will be divided into two parts, the ascending and descending lines. The ascending line is that, which counting from the propositus, ascends to his ancestors, to his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, &c. The descending line, is that which, counting from the same person, descends to his children, grandchildren, great-grand-children, &c. The preceding table is an example.
3. The collateral line considered by itself, and in relation to the common ancestor, is a direct line; it becomes collateral when placed along side of another line below the common ancestor, in whom both lines unite for example:

Common ancestor.
³ ³
o o
³ ³
o o
Direct ³ ³ Collateral
line. o o line.
³ ³
o o
³ ³
o o
³ ³
O o

4. These two lines are independent of each other; they have no connexion, except by their union in the person of the common ancestor. This reunion is what forms the relation among the persons composing the two lines.
5. A line is also paternal or maternal. In the examination of a person's ascending line, the line ascends first to his father, next to his paternal grandfather, his paternal great-grandfather, &c. so on from father to father; this is called the paternal line. Another line will be found to ascend from the same person to his mother, his maternal grandmother, and so from mother to mother; this is the maternal line. These lines, however, do not take in all the ascendants, there are many others who must be imagined. The number of ascendants is double at each degree, as is shown by the following table:

 ³ ³
³ ³
F ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ o
a ³ ³ ³
h ³ ³
e ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ o
r ³
³ ³
 P ³ O ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ o
 a ³ t ³ ³
 t ³ h ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄoÄÄÄÄ´
 e ³ e ³ ³ ³
 r ³ r ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ o
 n ³ ³ ³
 l ³ i³
³ n³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ o
 L ³ e³ ³
 n ³ ³
 e ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ o
³ Ego. OÄÄÄÄÄ´
 a ³ ³
 e ³³ ³
 r ³ O³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ o
 n ³ t³
 a ³ h ÚÄÄÄÄÄ´
 l ³ e ³ ³
³ r ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ o
 l ³ ³ ³ ³
 i ³ l ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄoÄÄÄÄ´
 n ³ i ³³
 e ³ n ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ o
³ e ³
o ³³
h ³ ³ ³
e ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ o
r ³ ³
 ³ ³

Vide 2 Bl. Com. 200, b. 2, c. 14; Poth. Des Successions, ch. 1, art. 3, Sec. 2; and article Ascendants.

LINE, measures. A line is a lineal measure containing the one twelfth part of a on inch.

LINE, estates. The division between two estates. Limit; border; boundary.
2. When a line is mentioned in a deed as ending at a particular monument, (q.v.) it is to be extended in the direction called for, without regard to distance, until it reach the boundary. 1 Taylor, 110, 303 2 Hawks, 219; 3 Hawks, 21; 2 Taylor, 1. And a marked line is to be adhered to although it depart from the course. 7 Wheat. 7; 2 Overt. 304; 3 Call, 239; 7 Monr. 333; 2 Bibb, 261; 4 Bibb, 503; 4 Monr. 29; see further, 2 Dana, 2; 6 Wend. 467; 1 Bibb, 466; 1 Marsh. 382; 3 Marsh. 382; 3 Murph. 82; 13 Pick. 145; 13 Wend. 300; 5 J. J. Marsh. 587.
3. Where a number of persons settle simultaneously or at short intervals in the same neighborhood, and their tracts, if extended in certain directions, would overlap each other, the settlers sometimes by agreement determine upon dividing lines, which are called consentible lines. These lines, when fairly agreed upon, have been sanctioned by the courts; and such agreements are conclusive upon all persons claiming under the parties to them with notice, but not upon bona fide purchasers for a valuable consideration without notice, actual or constructive. 5 S. & R. 273; 9 W. & S. 66; 3 S & R. 323; 5 Binn. 129; 10 Watts, 324; 17 S. &. R. 57; Jones, L. 0. T.
4. Lines fixed by compact between nations are binding on their citizens and subjects. 11 Pet. 209; 1 Overt. 269; 1 Ves. sen., Rep. 450; 1 Atk. R. 2; 1 Ch. Cas. 85; 1 P. Wms. 723727; 2 Atk. R. 592; 1 Vern. 48; 1 Ves. 19; 2 Ves. 284; 3 S. & R. 331.



1. In technical analysis, a situation in which the supply and demand for a security are largely the same. A line means that the security is unlikely to see any rapid fluctuation in price. It is called a line because, when plotted on a graph, it looks like a roughly horizontal line. Technical analysts look for signals that a line is ready to break one way or another before recommending that investors take a position on a security.

2. Informal; workers in a large, industrial company. They are called the line because, historically, they assembled the parts of a product while literally standing next to each other in a long line, also called an assembly line.


In technical analysis, a horizontal pattern on a price chart indicating a period during which supply and demand for a security are relatively equal. Technical analysts generally look for the price to break away from the line, at which time they are likely to take a position in the direction of the movement. See also making a line.


LINELondon Islamic Network for the Environment (UK; est 2004)
LINELaboratories for Integrative Neuroscience and Endocrinology (Bristol University; Bristol, England, UK)
LINELeading Indicator of National Employment
LINELong Interspersed Nuclear Element
LINELine Is Not An Emulator
LINEAssociation Liban Nature Environnement (French)
LINELinear In-fighting Neuro-override Engagement (Marine Corps Basic Training)


Related to line: business line
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for line

noun stroke


  • stroke
  • mark
  • rule
  • score
  • bar
  • band
  • channel
  • dash
  • scratch
  • slash
  • underline
  • streak
  • stripe
  • groove

noun wrinkle


  • wrinkle
  • mark
  • crease
  • furrow
  • crow's foot

noun row


  • row
  • queue
  • rank
  • file
  • series
  • column
  • sequence
  • convoy
  • procession
  • crocodile

noun script


  • script
  • part
  • words
  • dialogue

noun string


  • string
  • cable
  • wire
  • strand
  • rope
  • thread
  • cord
  • filament
  • wisp

noun trajectory


  • trajectory
  • way
  • course
  • track
  • channel
  • direction
  • route
  • path
  • axis

noun outline


  • outline
  • shape
  • figure
  • style
  • cut
  • features
  • appearance
  • profile
  • silhouette
  • configuration
  • contour

noun boundary


  • boundary
  • mark
  • limit
  • edge
  • border
  • frontier
  • partition
  • borderline
  • demarcation

noun formation


  • formation
  • front
  • position
  • front line
  • trenches
  • firing line

noun approach


  • approach
  • policy
  • position
  • way
  • course
  • practice
  • scheme
  • method
  • technique
  • procedure
  • tactic
  • avenue
  • ideology
  • course of action

noun course


  • course
  • way
  • direction
  • tendency
  • drift
  • tack

noun occupation


  • occupation
  • work
  • calling
  • interest
  • business
  • job
  • area
  • trade
  • department
  • field
  • career
  • activity
  • bag
  • employment
  • province
  • profession
  • pursuit
  • forte
  • vocation
  • specialization

noun brand


  • brand
  • make
  • sort
  • kind
  • product
  • type
  • label

noun lineage


  • lineage
  • family
  • breed
  • succession
  • race
  • stock
  • strain
  • descent
  • ancestry
  • parentage

noun note


  • note
  • message
  • letter
  • memo
  • report
  • word
  • card
  • e-mail
  • postcard

noun series


  • series
  • chain
  • string
  • sequence
  • procession

noun patter


  • patter
  • story
  • pitch
  • spiel

noun clue


  • clue
  • lead
  • hint
  • indication

noun principle


  • principle
  • plan
  • example
  • model
  • pattern
  • procedure
  • convention

verb border


  • border
  • edge
  • bound
  • fringe
  • rank
  • skirt
  • verge
  • rim

verb mark


  • mark
  • draw
  • crease
  • furrow
  • cut
  • rule
  • score
  • trace
  • underline
  • inscribe

phrase draw the line at something


  • object to
  • prohibit
  • stop short at
  • set a limit at
  • put your foot down over

phrase in line: in alignment


  • in alignment
  • lined
  • level
  • true
  • straight
  • lined up
  • in a row
  • plumb

phrase in line: under control


  • under control
  • in order
  • in check

phrase in line: in a queue


  • in a queue
  • in a row
  • in a column

phrase in line for


  • due for
  • being considered for
  • a candidate for
  • shortlisted for
  • in the running for
  • on the short list for
  • next in succession to

phrase in line with


  • in accord
  • in agreement
  • in harmony
  • in step
  • in conformity

phrase line something up: align


  • align
  • order
  • range
  • arrange
  • sequence
  • array
  • regiment
  • dispose
  • marshal
  • straighten
  • straighten up
  • put in a line

phrase line something up: prepare


  • prepare
  • schedule
  • organize
  • secure
  • obtain
  • come up with
  • assemble
  • get together
  • lay on
  • procure

phrase line up


  • queue up
  • file
  • fall in
  • form a queue
  • form ranks

phrase on the line


  • at risk
  • in danger
  • in an endangered position
  • in jeopardy

phrase toe the line


  • conform
  • agree
  • yield
  • comply
  • play ball
  • follow the crowd
  • run with the pack

verb fill


  • fill
  • face
  • cover
  • reinforce
  • encase
  • inlay
  • interline
  • ceil

Synonyms for line

noun an indentation or seam on the skin, especially on the face


  • crease
  • crinkle
  • furrow
  • wrinkle

noun a method used in dealing with something


  • approach
  • attack
  • course
  • modus operandi
  • plan
  • procedure
  • tack
  • technique

noun an official or prescribed plan or course of action


  • policy
  • procedure
  • program

noun activity pursued as a livelihood


  • art
  • business
  • calling
  • career
  • craft
  • employment
  • job
  • métier
  • occupation
  • profession
  • pursuit
  • trade
  • vocation
  • work
  • racket
  • employ

noun a product or products bought and sold in commerce


  • commodity
  • good
  • merchandise
  • ware

noun a group of people or things arranged in a row


  • column
  • file
  • queue
  • rank
  • row
  • string
  • tier

noun one's ancestors or their character or one's ancestral derivation


  • ancestry
  • birth
  • blood
  • bloodline
  • descent
  • extraction
  • family
  • genealogy
  • lineage
  • origin
  • parentage
  • pedigree
  • seed
  • stock

verb to place in or form a line or lines


  • align
  • range

Synonyms for line

noun a formation of people or things one beside another

Related Words

  • rivet line
  • chorus line
  • chorus
  • diagonal
  • formation
  • linemen
  • lineup
  • row
  • rank

noun a mark that is long relative to its width

Related Words

  • cross hair
  • cross wire
  • print
  • mark
  • dotted line
  • ascender
  • bar line
  • descender
  • squiggle
  • curlicue
  • spectrum line
  • trend line
  • isometric
  • isometric line
  • graduation
  • guideline
  • hairline
  • shaft
  • serif
  • seriph
  • staff line
  • ledger line
  • leger line

noun a formation of people or things one behind another

Related Words

  • diagonal
  • formation
  • Indian file
  • single file
  • file
  • line of march
  • line of succession
  • picket line
  • conga line
  • trap line
  • queue
  • waiting line

noun a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness

Related Words

  • shape
  • form
  • curve
  • curved shape
  • straight line
  • geodesic
  • geodesic line
  • perimeter
  • center line
  • centerline
  • bound
  • boundary
  • edge

noun text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen

Related Words

  • opening line
  • header
  • heading
  • head
  • line of poetry
  • line of verse
  • by-line
  • credit line
  • dateline
  • verse line
  • verse
  • text
  • textual matter
  • letter
  • missive
  • gag line
  • punch line
  • tag line
  • laugh line
  • actor's line
  • words
  • speech
  • orphan
  • stanza
  • sound bite
  • bottom line

noun a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum

Related Words

  • electromagnetic radiation
  • electromagnetic wave
  • nonparticulate radiation
  • electromagnetic spectrum

noun a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)

Related Words

  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine
  • firing line
  • battlefront
  • front line
  • front
  • line of battle
  • battle line
  • military position
  • position

noun a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood


  • line of reasoning
  • logical argument
  • argumentation
  • argument

Related Words

  • abstract thought
  • logical thinking
  • reasoning
  • line of inquiry
  • line of questioning
  • casuistry
  • policy

noun a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power


  • transmission line
  • cable

Related Words

  • cable system
  • cable television service
  • cable television
  • cable
  • coax
  • coax cable
  • coaxial cable
  • conductor
  • electrical cable
  • fiber optic cable
  • fibre optic cable
  • power cable
  • power line
  • printer cable
  • phone system
  • telephone system

noun a connected series of events or actions or developments


  • course

Related Words

  • series
  • stream
  • current
  • flow

noun a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent

Related Words

  • location
  • parting
  • part
  • axis
  • aclinic line
  • magnetic equator
  • agonic line
  • isogonal line
  • isogone
  • isogonic line
  • crest
  • timber line
  • timberline
  • tree line
  • snow line
  • fault line
  • great circle
  • hemline
  • hipline
  • apparent horizon
  • horizon
  • sensible horizon
  • visible horizon
  • skyline
  • isarithm
  • isogram
  • isopleth
  • flight line
  • line of sight
  • line of vision
  • line of latitude
  • parallel of latitude
  • parallel
  • latitude
  • lunar latitude
  • itinerary
  • route
  • path
  • quadrant
  • quarter-circle
  • loxodrome
  • rhumb
  • rhumb line
  • danger line
  • side
  • water line
  • waterline
  • water level
  • watermark
  • water parting
  • watershed
  • divide
  • track
  • course
  • field line
  • line of force

noun a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface


  • crinkle
  • wrinkle
  • crease
  • furrow
  • seam

Related Words

  • cutis
  • skin
  • tegument
  • imprint
  • impression
  • depression
  • crow's feet
  • crow's foot
  • laugh line
  • dermatoglyphic
  • frown line
  • life line
  • lifeline
  • line of life
  • heart line
  • line of heart
  • love line
  • mensal line
  • line of destiny
  • line of fate
  • line of Saturn

noun a pipe used to transport liquids or gases


  • pipeline

Related Words

  • gas line
  • oil pipeline
  • pipage
  • pipe
  • piping

noun the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed


  • rail line
  • railway line

Related Words

  • branch line
  • spur track
  • spur
  • railroad bed
  • railroad track
  • railway
  • railroad
  • road
  • route
  • trunk line
  • trunk route

noun a telephone connection


  • phone line
  • subscriber line
  • telephone circuit
  • telephone line

Related Words

  • connecter
  • connector
  • connective
  • connection
  • connexion
  • digital subscriber line
  • DSL
  • hot line
  • land line
  • landline
  • party line
  • private line
  • toll line
  • trunk line
  • WATS
  • WATS line

noun acting in conformity

Related Words

  • abidance
  • compliance
  • conformity
  • conformation

noun the descendants of one individual


  • ancestry
  • blood line
  • bloodline
  • lineage
  • pedigree
  • stemma
  • line of descent
  • parentage
  • blood
  • descent
  • origin
  • stock

Related Words

  • kinfolk
  • kinsfolk
  • phratry
  • family line
  • sept
  • folk
  • family
  • side
  • family tree
  • genealogy

noun something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible

Related Words

  • artefact
  • artifact
  • becket
  • bitter end
  • cord
  • drip loop
  • laniard
  • lanyard
  • lifeline
  • mooring line
  • mooring
  • painter
  • ratlin
  • ratline
  • rope
  • mainsheet
  • weather sheet
  • shroud
  • tack
  • sheet
  • strand
  • towing line
  • towing rope
  • towline
  • towrope
  • trace

noun the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money


  • job
  • line of work
  • occupation
  • business

Related Words

  • activity
  • confectionery
  • sport
  • farming
  • land
  • biz
  • game
  • calling
  • career
  • vocation
  • employment
  • work
  • appointment
  • berth
  • billet
  • post
  • situation
  • position
  • office
  • place
  • spot
  • salt mine
  • treadmill
  • craft
  • trade
  • profession
  • metier
  • medium
  • accountancy
  • accounting
  • photography
  • catering

noun in games or sports

Related Words

  • print
  • mark
  • balkline
  • baulk-line
  • string line
  • finish line
  • finishing line
  • foul line
  • baseline
  • goal line
  • red line
  • line of scrimmage
  • scrimmage line
  • service line
  • out of bounds
  • sideline
  • scratch line
  • starting line
  • scratch
  • start
  • yard line

noun (often plural) a means of communication or access


  • communication channel
  • channel

Related Words

  • communicating
  • communication
  • back channel
  • lens
  • inter-group communication
  • liaison
  • contact
  • link
  • plural
  • plural form
  • line of gab
  • patter
  • spiel

noun a particular kind of product or merchandise


  • business line
  • line of business
  • line of merchandise
  • line of products
  • product line

Related Words

  • merchandise
  • product
  • ware
  • sideline
  • top of the line

noun a commercial organization serving as a common carrier

Related Words

  • airline business
  • airline
  • airway
  • railroad
  • railroad line
  • railway
  • railway line
  • railway system
  • steamship company
  • steamship line
  • transit line
  • transportation
  • transportation system
  • transit
  • common carrier
  • carrier

noun space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertising


  • agate line

Related Words

  • area unit
  • square measure

noun the maximum credit that a customer is allowed


  • bank line
  • credit line
  • line of credit
  • personal credit line
  • personal line of credit

Related Words

  • consumer credit
  • credit

noun a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence


  • melodic line
  • melodic phrase
  • melody
  • tune
  • strain
  • air

Related Words

  • tucket
  • fanfare
  • flourish
  • glissando
  • roulade
  • music
  • leitmotif
  • leitmotiv
  • theme song
  • signature tune
  • signature
  • melodic theme
  • musical theme
  • theme
  • idea
  • part
  • voice
  • musical phrase
  • phrase

noun persuasive but insincere talk that is usually intended to deceive or impress

Related Words

  • persuasion
  • suasion

noun a short personal letter


  • billet
  • short letter
  • note

Related Words

  • personal letter
  • excuse

noun a conceptual separation or distinction


  • dividing line
  • demarcation
  • contrast

Related Words

  • differentiation
  • distinction
  • point of no return
  • Rubicon

noun mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it


  • assembly line
  • production line

Related Words

  • conveyer belt
  • conveyor belt
  • conveyor
  • conveyer
  • transporter
  • factory
  • manufactory
  • manufacturing plant
  • mill
  • mechanical system

verb be in line with


  • run along

Related Words

  • rim
  • lie

verb cover the interior of

Related Words

  • reline
  • face
  • crib
  • babbitt
  • cover

verb make a mark or lines on a surface


  • trace
  • describe
  • draw
  • delineate

Related Words

  • mark
  • construct
  • inscribe
  • circumscribe
  • draw
  • write

verb mark with lines

Related Words

  • reline
  • nock
  • score
  • mark
  • hatch
  • crisscross

verb fill plentifully

Related Words

  • fill
  • fill up
  • make full

verb reinforce with fabric

Related Words

  • reenforce
  • reinforce




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