linea nigra


 [lin´e-ah] (L.) line.linea al´ba white line; the tendinous median line on the anterior abdominal wall between the two rectus´neae albican´tes white or colorless lines on the abdomen, breasts, or thighs caused by mechanical stretching of the skin, with weakening of the elastic tissue; see also striae" >atrophic striae.linea as´pera a rough longitudinal line on the back of the femur for muscle attachments.linea ni´gra the linea alba when it has become pigmented in pregnancy.

lin·e·a ni'g·ra

the linea alba in pregnancy, which then becomes pigmented. Synonym(s): black line

lin·e·a nig·ra

(lin'ē-ă nī'gră) The linea alba in pregnancy, which then becomes pigmented.