

单词 mass effect

Mass effect

Mass effect

Describes the effect of a high-mass material on heating or cooling requirements. High-mass materials such as concrete, used in floors and walls, can absorb and store significant amounts of heat, which is later released. In climates with lots of sunshine, low humidity, and large daily temperature fluctuations, high-mass materials can mean a reduction in cooling and heating requirements by delaying the time at which the heat is released into the house.The physical volume or bulk of a solid body; or a grouping of individual parts or elements that compose a body of unspecified size.

mass effect

mass effect

The result of increased intracranial pressure of any cause (e.g., brain tumour, blockage of CSF egress or accumulation of CSF in cranial cavity) which, in the non-distensible cranial cavity, acts like a mass.

mass effect

Neurology The result of ↑ intracranial pressure of any cause–brain tumor, blockage of CSF egress or accumulation of CSF in cranial cavity–which, in the nondistensible cranial cavity, acts like a mass

mass effect

Evidence on a radiological study of the brain that midline structures of the central nervous system have shifted. This finding suggests that pressures within the cranium are abnormally high, that vital anatomical structures may be compressed, and that herniation of the brain and subsequent death may be imminent.

Patient discussion about mass effect

Q. Want to know how this tamoxifen works to fight cancer as my lump is removed and is there any side effects? Hi… I am 26 years lady, my breast cancer lump is removed and after my chemo I am on tamoxifen now……wanted to know how this tamoxifen works to fight cancer as my lump is removed now and is there any side effects associated with it?A. With, Tamoxifen uterine cancer risk is there to some. As Breast cancers have estrogen receptors which stimulate the cancer cell to grow and tamoxifen inhibits. If post surgery you have any incidence of cancer reversal due to estrogen then tamoxifen will inhibit and will complete your treatment.

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