

(măs`ĭlŏn), city (1990 pop. 31,007), Stark co., NE Ohio, on the Tuscarawas River; inc. 1853. A wheat-shipping center on the Ohio & Erie Canal after 1828, it became an industrial city producing steel, steel products, and machinery; among its manufactures now are plastics, automotive products, packaging materials, and processed foods. Jacob S. CoxeyCoxey, Jacob Sechler
, 1854–1951, American social reformer, b. Selinsgrove, Pa. He began his career as a stationary engineer, later turning to the scrap-iron business and then to sandstone quarrying in Massillon, Ohio.
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, the social reformer, lived in Massillon and was its mayor in the early 1930s. A state park is nearby.