Bethlen-Peyer Pact of 1921

Bethlen-Peyer Pact of 1921


a secret agreement between the right-wing leaders of Hungarian social democracy, led by K. Peyer, and the government of I. Bethlen; signed December 21.

Under the Bethlen-Peyer Pact, the Social Democrats were obligated to support the government’s foreign policy; they were to use their international connections toward this end and were to renounce the strike struggle and agitational work among agricultural and railroad workers. In exchange for this they received certain concessions (social democratic leaders were to be released from prison, and so forth). The Bethlen-Peyer Pact helped strengthen the Horthy regime in Hungary after the suppression of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919.


Réti, L. A Bethlen-Peyer-paktum, 2nd ed. Budapest, 1956. In Russian translation: “Pakt Betlen-Peier.” Acta Histórica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. vol. 1, fasc. 1. Budapest, 1951.