Lake Chicot State Park
Lake Chicot State Park
Location:8 miles northeast of Lake Village on AR 144.
Facilities:122 campsites with hookups, 14 cabins (many with a fishing dock),picnic areas, screened pavilions, swimming pool (seasonal), meetinghall with kitchen, laundry, store/marina, bicycle rentals, playground,visitor center with exhibits (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, boating, bird watching, interpretiveprograms (including lake tours, levee tours, and other opportunitiesfor bird and wildlife viewing).
Special Features:Park is located in the Mississippi Delta region adjacent to Arkansas'largest natural lake. Lake Chicot is a 20-mile-long oxbow lake, cut offcenturies ago when the Mississippi River changed course. The park islocated in the Mississippi Flyway and offers some of the state's bestyear-round birding opportunities.
Address:2542 Hwy 257
Lake Village, AR 71653
Size: 132 acres.
See other parks in Arkansas.