Lake Claiborne State Park

Lake Claiborne State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Louisiana
Location:7 miles southeast of Homer off LA 146.
Facilities:20 premium campsites (12 pull-through campsites, 8 prime locationcampsites, all with water and electrical hookup), 67 improvedcampsites, 2 unimproved campsites (no hookups), primitive camping area,comfort stations, picnic area, group shelters, playground, hikingtrails, bike trails, concession area, nature trails, swimming beach,boat launch, boat rentals, fishing piers.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, swimming, fishing, water-skiing, jet skiing, bicycling, hiking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park's natural attractions includes piney woods, rolling hills, steepravines, and the clear waters of 6,400-acre Lake Claiborne. The beachis situated on an inlet of the lake and is protected from boaters andwaterskiiers.
Address:225 State Park Rd
Homer, LA 71040

Phone: 888-677-2524;
Size: 620 acres.

See other parks in Louisiana.