lymph corpuscle

lymph cor·pus·cle

, lymphatic corpusclelymphoid corpusclea mononuclear type of leukocyte formed in lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissue, and also in the blood.

lymph cor·pus·cle

, lymphatic corpuscle , lymphoid corpuscle (limf kōr'pŭs-ĕl, lim-fat'ik, lim'foyd) A mononuclear type of leukocyte formed in lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissue, and also in the blood.


(kor'pus-el) [L. corpusculum, little body] 1. Any small rounded body. 2. An encapsulated sensory nerve ending.3. A blood cell. corpuscular (kor-pus'kyu-lar), adjective

axis corpuscle

The center of a tactile corpuscle.

blood corpuscle.

An erythrocyte or leukocyte.

bone corpuscle

Bone cell.

cancroid corpuscle

The characteristic nodule in cutaneous epithelioma.

cartilage corpuscle


chromophil corpuscle

Nissl body.

chyle corpuscle

A corpuscle seen in chyle.

colloid corpuscle

Corpus amylaceum.

colostrum corpuscle

A cell containing phagocytosed fat globules, present in milk secreted the first few days after parturition.

corneal corpuscle

A type of connective tissue cell found in the fibrous tissue of the cornea.

Drysdale's corpuscle

See: Drysdale's corpuscle

genital corpuscle

An encapsulated sensory nerve ending resembling a pacinian corpuscle that is found in the skin of the external genitalia and nipples.

ghost corpuscle

See: red cell ghost

Gierke's corpuscle

Hassall's corpuscle.

Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscle

See: Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscle

Hassall's corpuscle

See: Hassall's corpuscle

Krause's corpuscle

See: Krause's corpuscle

lymph corpuscle


malpighian corpuscle

1. Renal corpuscle.2. A malpighian body of the spleen.

Mazzoni's corpuscle

See: Krause's corpuscle.

Meissner's corpuscle

See: Meissner's corpuscle

milk corpuscle

A fat-filled globule present in milk. It represents the distal end of a mammary gland cell broken off in apocrine secretion.

pacinian corpuscle

An encapsulated nerve ending found in the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and other connective tissue membranes; it is a sensory receptor for pressure.

Purkinje corpuscle

See: Purkinje cell

red corpuscle


red blood corpuscle


renal corpuscle

A glomerulus and Bowman's capsule of the nephron of a kidney, the site of glomerular filtration. Synonym: malpighian corpuscle (1) See: illustration

reticulated corpuscle

An obsolete term for reticulocyte. See: reticulocyte

Ruffini corpuscle

See: Ruffini, Angelo

splenic corpuscle

A nodule of lymphatic tissue in the spleen.

tactile corpuscle

A sensory receptor that responds to touch (e.g., Meissner's corpuscle). Tactile corpuscles are located in the dermal papillae just beneath the epidermis and are most numerous on the fingertips, toes, soles, palms, lips, nipples, and tip of the tongue.

terminal corpuscle

A nerve ending.

white corpuscle


white blood corpuscle
