

 [lim´fo-blast] a morphologically immature lymphocyte, once thought to represent an early stage in lymphocyte development but now known to be an activated lymphocyte that has been transformed in response to antigenic stimulation. adj., adj lymphoblas´tic.


(lim'fō-blast), A young immature cell that matures into a lymphocyte and is characterized by more abundant cytoplasm than in a lymphocyte, a nucleus in which the chromatin is finer than in a lymphocyte (but coarser than in a myeloblast), and one or two rather prominent nucleoli. Synonym(s): lymphocytoblast [lympho- + G. blastos, germ]


(lim'fō-blast) An immature cell that matures into a lymphocyte and is characterized by more abundant cytoplasm than in a lymphocyte, a nucleus in which the chromatin is finer than in a lymphocyte (but coarser than in a myeloblast), and one or two prominent nucleoli.
Synonym(s): lymphocytoblast.
[lympho- + G. blastos, germ]