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mesosalpinx[¦me·zō′sal‚piŋks] (anatomy) The portion of the broad ligament forming the mesentery of the uterine tube. mesosalpinx
mesosalpinx [mez″o-sal´pinks] the part of the broad ligament above the mesovarium, investing the fallopian tube.mes·o·sal·pinx (mez'ō-sal'pinks), [TA] The part of the broad ligament investing the uterine (fallopian) tube. [meso- + G. salpinx, trumpet] mes·o·sal·pinx (mez'ō-sal'pingks) [TA] The part of the broad ligament investing the uterine (fallopian) tube. [meso- + G. salpinx, trumpet]Mesosalpinxa ligament connected to the fallopian tubeMentioned in: Ovarian Torsion |