释义 |
mess M0240000 (mĕs)n.1. a. A cluttered, untidy, usually dirty place or condition: The kitchen was a mess.b. Something that is disorderly or dirty, as a accumulation or heap: Who left the mess on the kitchen floor?2. a. A confused, troubling, or embarrassing condition or situation: With divorce and bankruptcy proceedings pending, his personal life was in a mess.b. One that is in such a condition: They made a mess of their marriage. Her boyfriend is a real mess.3. a. An amount of food, as for a meal, course, or dish: cooked up a mess of fish.b. A serving of soft, semiliquid food: a mess of porridge.4. a. A group of people, usually soldiers or sailors, who regularly eat meals together.b. Food or a meal served to such a group: took mess with the enlistees.c. A mess hall.v. messed, mess·ing, mess·es v.tr. To make disorderly or dirty: The wind has messed your hair. The puppy messed the floor.v.intr.1. To cause or make a mess.2. To intrude; interfere: messing in the neighbors' affairs.3. To take a meal in a military mess.Phrasal Verbs: mess around (or about)1. To pass time aimlessly or frivolously.2. To associate casually or playfully: liked to mess around with pals on days off.3. To be sexually unfaithful. mess up1. To botch; bungle: messed up the entire project.2. To make a mistake, especially from nervousness or confusion: messed up and dropped the ball.3. Slang To beat up; manhandle: got messed up in a brawl.4. To cause to be confused or troubled: The divorce really messed him up. mess with1. To use or handle something carelessly; fiddle: messed with the remote until he broke it.2. To fight or get into conflict with: I wouldn't mess with him—he knows judo.3. To tease or play a joke on: Don't let that remark bother you—she's just messing with you. [Middle English mes, course of a meal, food, group of people eating together, from Old French, from Late Latin missus, from Latin, past participle of mittere, to place.]mess (mɛs) n1. a state of confusion or untidiness, esp if dirty or unpleasant: the house was in a mess. 2. a chaotic or troublesome state of affairs; muddle: his life was a mess. 3. informal a dirty or untidy person or thing4. (Cookery) archaic a portion of food, esp soft or semiliquid food5. (Military) a place where service personnel eat or take recreation: an officers' mess. 6. (Military) a group of people, usually servicemen, who eat together7. (Military) the meal so taken8. mess of pottage a material gain involving the sacrifice of a higher valuevb9. (often foll by: up) to muddle or dirty10. (intr) to make a mess11. (often foll by: with) to interfere; meddle12. (Military) (intr; often foll by with or together) military to group together, esp for eating[C13: from Old French mes dish of food, from Late Latin missus course (at table), from Latin mittere to send forth, set out]mess (mɛs) n. 1. a dirty or untidy condition. 2. a person or thing that is dirty, untidy, or disordered. 3. a state of confusion. 4. an unpleasant or difficult situation. 5. a dirty or untidy mass: a mess of papers. 6. a group regularly taking their meals together. 7. the meal so taken. 8. mess hall. 9. a quantity of food sufficient for a dish or a single occasion. 10. sloppy or unappetizing food. 11. a dish or quantity of soft or liquid food. 12. a person whose life, mental state, or affairs are in a state of confusion. v.t. 13. to make dirty or untidy (often fol. by up): Don't mess up the room. 14. to make a mess or muddle of (affairs, responsibilities, etc.) (often fol. by up). v.i. 15. to make a mess. 16. to eat in company, esp. as a member of a mess. 17. mess around or about, a. to busy oneself aimlessly; waste time. b. to involve oneself, esp. for reprehensible purposes: to mess around with gamblers. c. to have sexual affairs; philander. 18. mess in or with, to intervene officiously; meddle. 19. mess up, a. to perform poorly; produce errors or confusion. b. to treat roughly; beat up. [1250–1300; Middle English mes < Old French: a course at a meal < Late Latin missus what is sent (i.e., put on the table), n. use of past participle of Latin mittere to send] mess- addled, muddled - Addled refers to mental confusion; muddled is anything confused or in a mess.
- dog's breakfast, dog's dinner - Meaning a mess or muddle, a dog's breakfast or dog's dinner originally may have referred to a cooking mishap with results fit only for a dog's consumption.
- higgledy-piggledy - Probably formed from pig and the animal's suggestions of mess and disorder.
- kettle of fish - Meaning "mess, muddle," the phrase is from "a pretty kettle of fish," a corruption of "kiddle of fish," in which a kiddle is a basket set in the opening of a weir for catching fish.
Mess a confused mixture; a group of four; a group of people who regularly eat together; the quantity of milk at one milking; a quantity of food; a haul of fish. Also, officers’ mess, sergeants’ mess, etc.mess Past participle: messed Gerund: messing
Present |
I mess | you mess | he/she/it messes | we mess | you mess | they mess |
Preterite |
I messed | you messed | he/she/it messed | we messed | you messed | they messed |
Present Continuous |
I am messing | you are messing | he/she/it is messing | we are messing | you are messing | they are messing |
Present Perfect |
I have messed | you have messed | he/she/it has messed | we have messed | you have messed | they have messed |
Past Continuous |
I was messing | you were messing | he/she/it was messing | we were messing | you were messing | they were messing |
Past Perfect |
I had messed | you had messed | he/she/it had messed | we had messed | you had messed | they had messed |
Future |
I will mess | you will mess | he/she/it will mess | we will mess | you will mess | they will mess |
Future Perfect |
I will have messed | you will have messed | he/she/it will have messed | we will have messed | you will have messed | they will have messed |
Future Continuous |
I will be messing | you will be messing | he/she/it will be messing | we will be messing | you will be messing | they will be messing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been messing | you have been messing | he/she/it has been messing | we have been messing | you have been messing | they have been messing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been messing | you will have been messing | he/she/it will have been messing | we will have been messing | you will have been messing | they will have been messing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been messing | you had been messing | he/she/it had been messing | we had been messing | you had been messing | they had been messing |
Conditional |
I would mess | you would mess | he/she/it would mess | we would mess | you would mess | they would mess |
Past Conditional |
I would have messed | you would have messed | he/she/it would have messed | we would have messed | you would have messed | they would have messed | ThesaurusNoun | 1. | mess - a state of confusion and disorderliness; "the house was a mess"; "she smoothed the mussiness of the bed"messiness, muss, mussinessdisorderliness, disorder - a condition in which things are not in their expected places; "the files are in complete disorder" | | 2. | mess - informal terms for a difficult situation; "he got into a terrible fix"; "he made a muddle of his marriage"fix, kettle of fish, muddle, pickle, jam, holedifficulty - a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"dog's breakfast, dog's dinner - a poor job; a mess; "they made a real dog's breakfast of that job" | | 3. | mess - soft semiliquid food; "a mess of porridge"aliment, alimentation, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance, victuals, nutrition - a source of materials to nourish the body | | 4. | mess - a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnelmeal, repast - the food served and eaten at one time | | 5. | mess - a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relaxmess halldining room, dining-room - a room used for diningofficer's mess - a mess for the exclusive use of officerstraining table - planned meals for athletes in training (usually served in a mess hall)armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker" | | 6. | mess - (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent; "a batch of letters"; "a deal of trouble"; "a lot of money"; "he made a mint on the stock market"; "see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos"; "it must have cost plenty"; "a slew of journalists"; "a wad of money"good deal, great deal, hatful, lot, muckle, passel, peck, mickle, mint, quite a little, slew, spate, tidy sum, wad, stack, raft, mountain, pile, plenty, mass, batch, heap, deal, flock, pot, sightlarge indefinite amount, large indefinite quantity - an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitudedeluge, flood, inundation, torrent - an overwhelming number or amount; "a flood of requests"; "a torrent of abuse"haymow - a mass of hay piled up in a barn for preservation | Verb | 1. | mess - eat in a mess hallarmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"eat - eat a meal; take a meal; "We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls"; "I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation" | | 2. | mess - make a mess of or create disorder in; "He messed up his room"mess updisarray, disorder - bring disorder to |
messnoun1. untidiness, disorder, confusion, chaos, turmoil, litter, clutter, disarray, jumble, disorganization, grot (slang), dirtiness Linda can't stand mess.2. shambles, botch, hash, cock-up (Brit. slang), state, balls-up (taboo slang), fuck-up (offensive taboo slang), bodge (informal), pig's breakfast (informal) I've made such a mess of my life.3. difficulty, dilemma, plight, spot (informal), hole (informal), fix (informal), jam (informal), hot water (informal), stew (informal), mix-up, muddle, pickle (informal), uphill (S. African), predicament, deep water, perplexity, tight spot, imbroglio, fine kettle of fish (informal) I've got myself into a bit of a mess.mess about or around1. potter about, dabble, amuse yourself, footle (informal), fool about or around, muck about or around (informal), piss about or around (taboo slang), play about or around We were just messing around playing with paint. Stop messing about and get on with your work.2. meddle, play, interfere, toy, fiddle (informal), tamper, tinker, trifle, fool about or around, piss about or around (taboo slang) I'd like to know who's been messing about with the pram.mess something up1. botch, bungle, make a hash of (informal), make a nonsense of, make a pig's ear of (informal), cock something up (Brit. slang), fuck something up (offensive taboo slang), muck something up (Brit. slang), muddle something up If I messed it up, I would probably be fired.2. dirty, foul, litter, pollute, clutter, besmirch, disarrange, befoul, dishevel I hope they haven't messed up your house.mess with something or someone interfere, play, fiddle (informal), tamper, tinker, meddle You are messing with people's religion and they don't like that.messnoun1. A group of things gathered haphazardly:agglomeration, bank, cumulus, drift, heap, hill, mass, mound, mountain, pile, shock, stack, tumble.2. A lack of order or regular arrangement:chaos, clutter, confusedness, confusion, derangement, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, disorderedness, disorderliness, disorganization, jumble, mix-up, muddle, muss, scramble, topsy-turviness, tumble.Slang: snafu.3. A ruinous state of disorder:botch, foul-up, muddle, shambles.Informal: hash.Slang: screwup, snafu.4. An unsightly object:monstrosity, ugliness.Informal: fright, sight, ugly.5. An individual quantity of food:helping, portion, serving.verb1. To handle something idly, ignorantly, or destructively:fiddle, fool, meddle, tamper, tinker.Informal: monkey.2. To put (the hair or clothes) into a state of disarray.Also used with up:disarrange, dishevel, disorder, muss (up), rumple, tousle.phrasal verb mess around1. Informal. To waste time by engaging in aimless activity:doodle, fool, putter.Informal: fool around.2. Informal. To be nervously or uselessly active:bustle, fuss, putter.3. Informal. To be sexually unfaithful to another:philander, womanize.Informal: cheat, fool around, play around.phrasal verb mess up1. To harm irreparably through inept handling; make a mess:ball up, blunder, boggle, botch, bungle, foul up, fumble, gum up, mishandle, mismanage, muddle, muff, spoil.Informal: bollix up, muck up.Slang: blow, goof up, louse up, screw up, snafu.Idiom: make a muck of.2. To put into total disorder:ball up, confuse, disorder, jumble, muddle, scramble, snarl.Slang: snafu.Idiom: play havoc with.3. To put out of proper order:derange, disarrange, disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, jumble, mix up, muddle, tumble, unsettle, upset.4. Slang. To be rough or brutal with:knock about (or around), manhandle, rough (up), slap around.Translationsmess (mes) noun a state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle. This room is in a terrible mess!; She looked a mess; The spilt food made a mess on the carpet. 混亂 混乱 verb (with with) to meddle, or to have something to do with. She's always messing with the television set. 亂弄,胡搞 摆弄ˈmessy adjective dirty. a messy job. 髒亂的,棘手討厭的 肮脏的,难以处理的,令人厌烦的 ˈmessily adverb 髒亂地 杂乱地ˈmessiness noun 髒亂 混乱ˈmess-up noun a muddle or state of confusion. There has been a mess-up in the timetable. 混亂 混乱make a mess of1. to make dirty, untidy or confused. The heavy rain has made a real mess of the garden. 弄髒,弄亂,擾亂 把...搞乱,扰乱,弄乱 2. to do badly. He made a mess of his essay. 弄糟 把...弄糟3. to spoil or ruin (eg one's life). He made a mess of his life by drinking too much. 毀掉 毁掉mess about/around1. to behave in a foolish or annoying way. The children were shouting and messing about. 胡鬧 瞎捣乱2. to work with no particular plan in a situation that involves mess. I love messing about in the kitchen. 混日子,閒來無事東搞西搞 混日子3. (with with) to meddle or interfere with. Who's been messing about with my papers? 干涉 干涉4. to upset or put into a state of disorder or confusion. The wind messed her hair about. 弄亂,擾亂 弄乱,搞乱 mess up to spoil; to make a mess of. Don't mess the room up! 弄亂 搞乱mess
mess1. n. a hopeless, stupid person. The guy’s a mess! 2. n. dung. (Usually with a.) There’s a mess in Jimmy’s diapers, Mom. See:- a hell of a mess
- a hot mess
- a mess of pottage
- and no messing
- Benjamin's mess
- fool around
- get into a mess
- get out of a mess
- get out of a/this/that mess
- hell of a mess
- lose the number of (one's) mess
- make a hash of
- make a mess
- make a mess (out) of (something)
- make a mess of
- make a mess/hash of something/of doing something
- mess
- mess (one's) face up
- mess about
- mess about with
- mess about with someone
- mess around
- mess around mess about
- mess around with (someone or something)
- mess around with someone
- mess around with something mess about with something
- mess face up
- mess of
- mess of (something)
- mess of pottage
- mess over
- mess someone over
- mess someone up
- mess someone’s face up
- mess up
- mess with
- mess with (one's) head
- mess with (someone or something)
- mess with someone/something
- mess with someone's head
- mess with the bull and you get the horns
- messed up
- no messing
- sell (one's) birthright for a mess of pottage
- sell (something) for a mess of pottage
- sell something for a mess of pottage
MESS Mangled Extremity Severity Score. A scoring system used to evaluate the need to amputate an extremity; a MESS of 7 indicates a need to amputate Modifying factors Loss of posterior tibial nerve causes trophic ulceration; ischemia > 6 hours doubles the MESSMESS Mangled Extremity Severity Score Traumatology A scoring system used to evaluate the need for amputation in an extremity; a MESS of ≥ 7 indicates a need to amputate Altering factors Loss of posterior tibial nerve causes trophic ulceration, ischemia > 6 hrs doubles score. See Amputation. MESS scoring points Skeletal & soft tissue injury • Low energy–stabs, simple Fx, civilian gun shot wounds • Medium energy–open or multiple Fx, dislocation • High-energy–close range shotgun, military gunshot wounds, crush injury • Very high energy–as in line just above, with gross contamination or tissue avulsion Limb ischemia • Pulse reduced, normal perfusion • Pulseless, paresthesia, ↓ capillary filling • Cool, paralyzed, numb Shock • Systolic BP ≥ 90 mm Hg • Transient hypotension • Permanent hypotension Age • < Age 30 • Age 30–50 • > Age 50 Mangled Extremity Severity Score, MESSAn assessment tool used in trauma patients to predict the likelihood that an injured arm or leg will require amputation. MESS takes into account the age and blood pressure of the patient, the type of injury, and the perfusion of the injured limb. MESS
Acronym | Definition |
MESS➣Messieurs | MESS➣Managed E-Mail Surveillance Service | MESS➣Multi-Emulator Super System (computer program that emulates early home computers and video games) | MESS➣Mangled Extremity Severity Score | MESS➣Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (Sweden) | MESS➣Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Science | MESS➣Messapic (linguistics) | MESS➣Marvelous Explorations Through Science and Stories | MESS➣Monash Engineering Students' Society (Australia) | MESS➣Multi Engine Search Script | MESS➣Model Evaluation Support System | MESS➣Metal Sanayicileri Sendikasý (Turkish: Metal Industrialists' Union) | MESS➣Maximum Effective Sonar Speed | MESS➣Mesoscale and Severe Storms Computer System | MESS➣Mechanical and Electrical Subsystem Simulator (Mariner IV mission) | MESS➣Maintenance Engineering Support Services | MESS➣Maintenance of Electronic Super Sonics |
mess Related to mess: Mass, Mame, MaßSynonyms for messnoun untidinessSynonyms- untidiness
- disorder
- confusion
- chaos
- turmoil
- litter
- clutter
- disarray
- jumble
- disorganization
- grot
- dirtiness
noun shamblesSynonyms- shambles
- botch
- hash
- cock-up
- state
- balls-up
- fuck-up
- bodge
- pig's breakfast
noun difficultySynonyms- difficulty
- dilemma
- plight
- spot
- hole
- fix
- jam
- hot water
- stew
- mix-up
- muddle
- pickle
- uphill
- predicament
- deep water
- perplexity
- tight spot
- imbroglio
- fine kettle of fish
phrase mess about or around: potter aboutSynonyms- potter about
- dabble
- amuse yourself
- footle
- fool about or around
- muck about or around
- piss about or around
- play about or around
phrase mess about or around: meddleSynonyms- meddle
- play
- interfere
- toy
- fiddle
- tamper
- tinker
- trifle
- fool about or around
- piss about or around
phrase mess something up: botchSynonyms- botch
- bungle
- make a hash of
- make a nonsense of
- make a pig's ear of
- cock something up
- fuck something up
- muck something up
- muddle something up
phrase mess something up: dirtySynonyms- dirty
- foul
- litter
- pollute
- clutter
- besmirch
- disarrange
- befoul
- dishevel
phrase mess with something or someoneSynonyms- interfere
- play
- fiddle
- tamper
- tinker
- meddle
Synonyms for messnoun a state of confusion and disorderlinessSynonymsRelated Wordsnoun informal terms for a difficult situationSynonyms- fix
- kettle of fish
- muddle
- pickle
- jam
- hole
Related Words- difficulty
- dog's breakfast
- dog's dinner
noun soft semiliquid foodRelated Words- aliment
- alimentation
- nourishment
- nutriment
- sustenance
- victuals
- nutrition
noun a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnelRelated Wordsnoun a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relaxSynonymsRelated Words- dining room
- dining-room
- officer's mess
- training table
- armed forces
- armed services
- military
- military machine
- war machine
noun (often followed by 'of') a large number or amount or extentSynonyms- good deal
- great deal
- hatful
- lot
- muckle
- passel
- peck
- mickle
- mint
- quite a little
- slew
- spate
- tidy sum
- wad
- stack
- raft
- mountain
- pile
- plenty
- mass
- batch
- heap
- deal
- flock
- pot
- sight
Related Words- large indefinite amount
- large indefinite quantity
- deluge
- flood
- inundation
- torrent
- haymow
verb eat in a mess hallRelated Words- armed forces
- armed services
- military
- military machine
- war machine
- eat
verb make a mess of or create disorder inSynonymsRelated Words |