Lake Del Valle State Recreation Area

Lake Del Valle State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:On Del Valle Road, a few miles south of I-580 in Livermore.
Facilities:150 developed family campsites (21 with water and sewage hookups; noelectrical), showers and restrooms, youth group camps, 2 swimmingbeaches, stocked lake, picnic areas, trails, boat ramp, boat rentals,visitor center, exhibits.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, boating, sailing, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, guided lake tours.
Special Features:Park is operated by the East Bay Regional Park District and itscenterpiece is a lake five miles long. Del Valle also is the easterngateway to the OhloneWilderness Trail, which comprises 28 miles of scenic backcountry trail.
Address:c/o Diablo Vista District Office
845 Casa Grande Rd
Petaluma, CA 94954

Size: 3,732 acres.

See other parks in California.