Murphy button

Mur·phy but·ton

(mŭr'fē), a device used for intestinal anastomosis; it consists of two round, hollow cylinders that insert into each end of the transected intestine; the intestine is secured to each of the components with a suture and the ends are brought into approximation and the two cylinders joined with a locking mechanism; the apparatus is degradable and within approximately 10 days dissolves and is sloughed into the lumen of the intestine. A modification of an obsolete metal device bearing the same name.

Mur·phy but·ton

(mŭr'fē bŭt'ŏn) A device used for intestinal anastomosis; it consists of two round, hollow cylinders that insert into each end of the transected intestine; the intestine is secured to each of the components with a suture and the ends are brought into approximation and the two cylinders joined with a locking mechanism; the apparatus is degradable and within approximately 10 days dissolves and is sloughed into the lumen of the intestine. A modification of an obsolete metal device bearing the same name.

Murphy button

A device consisting of two button-like hollow cylinders, used for intestinal anastomosis. Each cylinder is sutured to an open end of the intestine, and the ends are fitted together. After firm union of the ends of the intestine, the sutures separate, and the cylinders are passed in stools. See also: Murphy, John Benjamin


John B., U.S. surgeon, 1857-1916. Murphy approachMurphy bone leverMurphy bone skidMurphy braceMurphy button - mechanical device used for intestinal anastomosis.Murphy dilatorMurphy drip - Synonym(s): proctoclysisMurphy forcepsMurphy gougeMurphy hookMurphy knifeMurphy lightMurphy methodMurphy needleMurphy percussion - Synonym(s): piano percussionMurphy punchMurphy reamerMurphy retractorMurphy scissorsMurphy sign - right upper quadrant pain on inspiration.Murphy splintMurphy tubeMurphy-Lane bone skid