Murphy percussion

Mur·phy per·cus·sion

(mŭr'fē), examination for dullness by striking the chest wall directly with the fingertips of one hand successively, beginning with the fifth finger. Synonym(s): piano percussion

Mur·phy per·cus·sion

(mŭr'fē pĕr-kŭsh'ŭn) Examination for dullness by striking the chest wall directly with the fingertips of one hand successively, beginning with the fifth finger.


John B., U.S. surgeon, 1857-1916. Murphy approachMurphy bone leverMurphy bone skidMurphy braceMurphy button - mechanical device used for intestinal anastomosis.Murphy dilatorMurphy drip - Synonym(s): proctoclysisMurphy forcepsMurphy gougeMurphy hookMurphy knifeMurphy lightMurphy methodMurphy needleMurphy percussion - Synonym(s): piano percussionMurphy punchMurphy reamerMurphy retractorMurphy scissorsMurphy sign - right upper quadrant pain on inspiration.Murphy splintMurphy tubeMurphy-Lane bone skid