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Oedipal phase
Oedipal phase[′ēd·ə·pəl ‚fāz] (psychology) In psychoanalytic theory, the period of psychosexual development that represents a time of conflict between the child and parents, lasting approximately from 4 to 6 years of age. oedipal phase
oe·di·pal phasein psychoanalysis, a stage in the psychosexual development of the child, characterized by erotic attachment to the parent of the opposite sex, repressed because of fear of the parent of the same sex; usually occurring in children 3-6 years old. Synonym(s): oedipal periodoedipal phase Psychiatry A psychoanalytical stage that occurs between ages 4 and 6, which partially overlaps components of the phallic stage and represents a time of inevitable conflict between a child and parentsoed·i·pal phase (ed'i-păl fāz) psychoanalysis A stage in the psychosexual development of the child, characterized by erotic attachment to the parent of the opposite sex, repressed because of fear of the parent of the same sex; usually seen in children aged 3-6 years. |