Novoselov, Sir Konstantin Sergeevich

Novoselov, Sir Konstantin Sergeevich,

1974–, Russian-British physicist, Ph.D. Univ. of Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2004. He has been a research associate at the Univ. of Manchester, England, since 2001. In 2010 Novoselov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics with Andre GeimGeim, Sir Andre Konstantinovich,
1958–, Russian-born Dutch physicist, Ph.D. Russian Academy of Sciences, 1987. He was a professor at the Univ. of Nijmegen in the Netherlands from 1994 to 2001, when he joined the faculty at the Univ. of Manchester, England.
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 for groundbreaking experiments regarding graphenegraphene,
virtually transparent, highly conductive carbon material in which the atoms are organized into a honeycomblike arrangement and form a thin sheet that is one atom thick.
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. Just one carbon atom thick, graphene has a honeycomblike structure. Graphitegraphite
, an allotropic form of carbon, known also as plumbago and black lead. It is dark gray or black, crystalline (often in the form of slippery scales), greasy, and soft, with a metallic luster.
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, which is a major component of the lead in ordinary pencils, has a tiered structure of carbon sheets, but attempts to break it down into its constituent sheets had only resulted in thin sheets of graphite. In 2004 Geim and Novoselov made graphene by sticking a flake of graphite debris onto adhesive tape and folding the tape over the flake and pulling it apart, which cut the flake in two; they repeated the process until they had a sheet just one atom thick.