Lake Le-Aqua-Na State Recreation Area

Lake Le-Aqua-Na State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Northwest Illinois, in Stephenson County, just west of IL 73, 6 milessouth of the Illinois-Wisconsin state line and 3 miles north of Lena.
Facilities:RV and tent campsites (many with electrical hookups), equestriancampground, youth group camping area, restrooms, picnic areas, 2 picnicshelters, concession, trails (8.5 miles), canoe and paddleboat rentals,boat ramp, small swimming beach, fishing pier (é).
Activities:Camping, boating (electric motors only), canoeing, fishing, swimming,hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, hunting (limited), ice fishing,sledding, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:Park is named for the nearby village of Lena and the Latin word forwater. A good variety of woodland wildflowers, including Dutchman'sbreeches, blood root, and bluebells, cover the ground in the spring andearly summer. Squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and other small animalsare often seen in the wooded areas, and deer are also frequentlysighted. Observant visitors might also catch a glimpse of a badger. Atthe center of the park is a stocked, manmade lake.
Address:8542 N Lake Rd
Lena, IL 61048

Size: 715 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.