Acronym | Definition |
BAE➣Beautiful and Elegant |
BAE➣Before Anyone Else |
BAE➣Barium Enema (medical procedure) |
BAE➣Basic Adult Education (various locations) |
BAE➣Ballet Academy East (New York, NY) |
BAE➣Biological and Agricultural Engineering (various schools) |
BAE➣Business, Accounting and Economics (various schools) |
BAE➣Bureau of American Ethnology (Smithsonian Institution) |
BAE➣Brent Averill Enterprises (audio equipment; California) |
BAE➣British Aerospace Engineering |
BAE➣Bel Air Elementary (various locations) |
BAE➣Business Analysis Essentials |
BAE➣Bronchial Artery Embolization |
BAE➣Bon a Enlever (French: Good to Remove; warrant) |
BAE➣Brigade Aviation Element |
BAE➣Bachelor of Architectural Engineering |
BAE➣Bring Another Engine (plane mechanics) |
BAE➣Boucle Accueil Emploi (French: Loop Home Employment; est. 1984) |
BAE➣Bachelor of Art Education |
BAE➣Boston Academy of English |
BAE➣Buffet Accès Emploi (French: Buffet JobConnect; Canada) |
BAE➣Bureau d'Assistance Européen (French: European Assistance Office; Belgium) |
BAE➣Battlefield Area Evaluation |
BAE➣Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering |
BAE➣Board of Architectural Examiners |
BAE➣Blind Adaptive Equalization |
BAE➣Bethe-Ansatz Equation |
BAE➣Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering |
BAE➣Bilateral Above Elbow (amputation) |
BAE➣Bureau of Agricultural Engineering (USDA) |
BAE➣Ballet Ain't Easy |
BAE➣Boeing Aerospace Engineering |
BAE➣Beta-Amylase Enzyme |
BAE➣Boite a Eau (French: Waterbox; rainwater recovery) |
BAE➣Bureau des Affaires Etrangères (French: Foreign Affairs Office) |
BAE➣British Aerospace Systems, LTD |
BAE➣Begin Average Events |
BAE➣Bilateral Atrial Enlargement (cardiology) |