

(lim'ō-plaz'mă-fĕ-rē'sis), Separation and removal of lymphocytes and plasma from the withdrawn blood, with the remainder of the blood retransfused into the donor. [lymphocyte + plasma + G. aphairesis, a withdrawal]


(lim'fō-plaz'mă-fĕr-ē'sis) Separation and removal of lymphocytes and plasma from the withdrawn blood, with the remainder of the blood retransfused into the donor. [lymphocyte + plasma + G. aphairesis, a withdrawal]


(lim″fō-plaz″mă-fer′ĕ-sĭs, -fă-rē′sĭs) [ lymph- + plasmapheresis] The removal of lymphocytes and plasma from the blood after it has been withdrawn. The blood is then returned to the donor.