lymph varix


 [vār´iks] (L.) an enlarged, tortuous vein, artery, or lymphatic vessel.aneurysmal varix a markedly dilated tortuous vessel; sometimes used to denote a form of arteriovenous aneurysm in which the blood flows directly into a neighboring vein without the intervention of a connecting sac.arterial varix a racemose aneurysm or varicose artery.esophageal varices varicosities of branches of the azygous vein which anastomose with tributaries of the portal vein in the lower esophagus; due to portal hypertension in cirrhosis of the liver.lymph varix (varix lympha´ticus) a soft, lobulated swelling of a lymph node due to obstruction of lymphatic vessels.

lymph var·ix

the formation of varices or cysts in the lymph nodes in consequence of obstruction in the efferent lymphatics.