Novyi Mir
Novyi Mir
(New World), a monthly literary and sociopolitical journal and an organ of the Writers’ Union of the USSR. The journal has been published in Moscow since January 1925. Its first editors were A. V. Lunacharskii, Iu. M. Steklov, and I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov. Since 1926 the editors of the journal have included V. P. Polonskii (1926–31), K. M. Simonov (1946–50, 1954–58), and A. T. Tvardovskii (1950–1954, 1958–70). V. A. Kosolapov has been editor of the journal since 1970.
Many important works by Soviet writers first appeared in Novyi Mir. Such works include Gorky’s The Life of Klim Samgin (part 1), M. A. Sholokhov’s Virgin Soil Upturned (book 1) and The Quiet Don (book 4), A. N. Tolstoy’s Peter the Great and Gloomy Morning, L. M. Leonov’s The Sot’ River, Road to the Ocean and Invasion, M. S. Shaginian’s The Hydroelectric Plant, A. G. Malyshkin’s Backwater People, M. E. Kol’tsov’s Spanish Diary, I. G. Ehrenburg’s People, Years, Life and V. V. Ovechkin’s Everyday Life in the Raion.
Writers who have published works in Novyi Mir have included K. A. Fedin, V. Ivanov, F. V. Gladkov, M. M. Prishvin, V. P. Kataev, M. V. Isakovskii, A. A. Surkov, S. Ia. Marshak, B. L. Pasternak, Ia. V. Smeliakov, O. F. Berggol’ts, V. F. Panova, S. P. Zalygin, V. F. Tendriakov, G. N. Troepol’skii, V. A. Kaverin, F. A. Abramov, Iu. V. Trifonov, and E. Ia. Dorosh.
Novyi Mir regularly publishes works by representatives of Soviet multinational literature, including C. Aitmatov, V. V. Bykov, R. G. Gamzatov, D. N. Kugul’tinov, M. Ryl’skii, and M. Sluckis, as well as works by foreign authors. In addition to its considerable literature section, the journal also has sections entitled “Contemporary Essays,” “Publicistic Writing,” “Diary of an Author,” “Diaries and Recollections,” and “Literary Criticism.” Circulation, 175,000 (1974).
Ocherki istorii russkoi sovetskoi zhurnalistiki: 1933–1945. Moscow, 1968.Tvardovskii, A. “Po sluchaiu iubileia.” Novyi mir, 1965, no 1.