mast bumping

mast bumping

A phenomenon to which helicopters fitted with semirigid rotor systems, teetering types, and underslung types are susceptible. In this phenomenon, the fuselage begins to right roll in a low-g or zero-g condition. If a lateral cyclic is applied to recover from the right roll, the mast bumps against the hub and may break in the process. The main rotor also can hit the tail cone. Mast bumping is caused by an incorrect pilot response to an abrupt, unexpected change in the helicopter's pitch-and-roll attitude. These changes may be because of a low-g maneuver, engine failure, synchronized elevator failure, or tail rotor failure. Mast bumping can be avoided by making smooth, gradual control movements by the cyclic aft to recover low-g conditions. Thereafter, the lateral cyclic should be applied to recover from the right roll.