Lynch, Benito

Lynch, Benito


Born July 25, 1885, in Buenos Aires; died Dec. 23, 1951, in La Plata. Argentine writer. Son of a rancher.

Most of Lynch’s novels are set on cattle ranches on the pampas and revolve around a romantic conflict—for example, Buzzards of “The Florida” (1916; Russian translation, 1963), Raquela (1918), The Englishman of the Bones (1924; Russian translation, Mister James Is Looking for Skulls, 1969), and A Gaucho’s Romance (1930). Lynch created an authentic and realistic picture of the development of capitalist relationships in the Argentine countryside at the turn of the 20th century.


Plata dorada. Buenos Aires, 1909.
De los campos porteños: Cuentos. Buenos Aires [1931].
In Russian translation:
“Pegii zherebenok.” In the collection Skromnye dorogi. Moscow, 1959.
“Ponevole.” In the collection Argentinskie rasskazy. Moscow, 1962.


Salama, R. Benito Lynch. Buenos Aires, 1959.