osteogenesis imperfecta type I

osteogenesis imperfecta type I

[MIM*166200] a mild form characterized by blue sclerae, hearing loss, easy bruising, prepubertal bone fragility, and short stature.

os·te·o·gen·e·sis im·per·fec·ta type I

(os'tē-ō-jen'ĕ-sis im'pĕr-fek'tă tīp) A mild form characterized by blue sclerae, hearing loss, easy bruising, prepubertal bone fragility, and short stature.

os·te·o·gen·e·sis im·per·fec·ta type I

(os'tē-ō-jen'ĕ-sis im-pĕr-fek'tă tīp) [MIM*166200] Mild form characterized by hearing loss, easy bruising, prepubertal bone fragility, and short stature.