

(os-te-o'ma) (mat-a) plural.osteomataplural.osteomas [ osteo- + -oma] A bonelike structure that develops on a bone or at other sites; a benign bony tumor. Synonym: exostosis

cancellous osteoma

A soft, spongy tumor. It has thin, delicate trabeculae that enclose large medullary spaces like those in cancellous bone.

cavalryman's osteoma

An osteoma of the femur at the insertion of the adductor femoris longus.

choroidal osteoma

A rare, benign tumor of the eye, composed of calcified bone. On examination of the retina, it appears as an orange-yellow lesion usually located near the optic disc, often bilaterally. It is most often identified in young women. The tumor frequently compromises visual acuity. It can be treated with laser photocoagulation.

osteoma cutis

A benign formation of bone nodules in the skin.

dental osteoma

A bony outgrowth of the root of a tooth.

osteoma durum

A very hard osteoma in which the bone is ivory-like.

osteoma medullare

A bony tumor containing medullary spaces.

osteoid osteoma

A rare benign bone tumor composed of sheets of osteoid tissue that is partially calcified and ossified. The condition occurs esp. in the bones of the extremities of the young.

osteoma spongiosum

A spongy tumor in the bone. Synonym: osteospongioma