Ohio River Scenic Byway - Illinois

Ohio River Scenic Byway - Illinois

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Southernmost Illinois Tourism Bureau
PO Box 378
Anna, IL 62906

Web: www.southernmostillinois.com Description:Byway winds across Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, telling the story of the Ohio River, which has shaped thelandscape, people, and economics of the region since its beginning10,000 years ago. The Illinois section of the byway includes: Fort Massac State Park, featuring a reconstruction of the timber fortification (built in 1794), a museum, interpretive programs, and opportunities for camping, hiking, boating, and hunting; Fort Defiance State Park, which commemorates the Civil War Fort Defiance, commanded by General U.S. Grant; the Trail of Tears, where the Cherokee passed through southern Illinois on their tragic journey; and Shawnee National Forest, which includes Garden of the Gods, namedfor its impressive rock formations.
Legth: 188 miles (Illinois section); 943 miles (entire byway) Start/Endpoint: Byway winds from Saline and Gallatin counties onSR 146, following the Ohio River south through Hardin andPope counties. It then runs west through Massac and Pulaskicounties, ending at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippirivers at Cairo. Time to Allow: 4 hours (Illinois section). Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (1998).

See other parks in Illinois.