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lysergide (laɪˈsɜːdʒaɪd) n (Recreational Drugs) another name for LSDEncyclopediaSeeLSDlysergide
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide, a hallucinogen derived from lysergic acid, a constituent of ergot alkaloids. It has consciousness-expanding effects and is capable of producing a state of mind in which there are hallucinations (false sense perceptions). Called also lysergide. The perceptual changes brought about by LSD in normal persons are extremely variable and depend on factors such as age, personality, education, physical make-up, and state of health. The danger of the drug lies in the fact that it loosens control over impulsive behavior and may lead to a full-blown psychosis or less serious mental disorder in persons with latent mental illness. See also drug abuse.ly·ser·gic ac·id di·eth·yl·am·ide (LSD), peripherally, a serotonin antagonist; 1-2 mcg or less per kg induces hallucinatory states; its use may precipitate psychoses; it was formerly occasionally used in the treatment of long-term alcoholism and psychotic disorders. Synonym(s): lysergide |