NBINational Bureau of Investigation
NBINASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) Biotechnology Index
NBINarrow Band Imaging (optical filter technology)
NBINational Bridge Inventory
NBINaional Burial Index (UK)
NBINew Buildings Institute (Vancouver, WA)
NBINile Basin Initiative (Uganda)
NBINouvelle Bonification Indiciaire (French: New Indexed Premium)
NBINeurocrine Biosciences, Inc. (San Diego, CA)
NBINetboot Image
NBINetware Bus Interface
NBINational Business Initiative (various locations)
NBINeethling Brain Instruments (various locations)
NBINet Banking Income
NBINiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
NBINational Botanical Institute (South Africa)
NBINational Bureau of Insurance (Switzerland)
NBINational Biodiversity Institute (South Africa)
NBINorwegian Building Research Institute
NBINational Bank of Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN)
NBINation Brands Index (statistics)
NBINorthern Beaches Interchange (Australia)
NBINew Business Investment
NBINational Bar Institute (National Bar Association; Washington, DC)
NBINorthbridge Industrial Services PLC
NBINational Biproducts Institute (South Africa)
NBINational Business Investigations (California)
NBINomura Bank International (UK)
NBINothing But Initials
NBINeuberger Berman, Inc. (various locations)
NBINippon Business Institute (Everett Community College; Everett, WA)
NBINicolas Berggruen Institute (various locations)
NBINations, Borders, Identities (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
NBINorthfield Business Initiative (South Africa)
NBINeighborhood Business Initiative (various organizations)
NBINetwork Business Intelligence
NBINantucket Biodiversity Initiative (conservation partnership)
NBINordic Business Institute
NBINewport Business Institute (Lower Burrell, PA)
NBINonbattle Injury
NBINarrow Band Interference
NBINetwork-Based Intelligence
NBINavbuilder Inside (Verizon Developer Community)
NBINabisco Brands, Inc. (Kraft)
NBINational Board, Inc. (US Coast Guard)
NBINorth Bound Interface
NBINatural Brands, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
NBINationwide Blind Installation (window blinds; various location)
NBINorthwest Biocarbon Initiative
NBINorwich BioSciences Institutes (UK)
NBINew Banner Institute (Columbia, SC)
NBINutrition-Behaviour Inventory (psychology; Australia)
NBINamibia Business Institute (Namibia)
NBINevada Biodiversity Initiative
NBINew Business Initiative
NBINon-Binding Indication (finance)
NBINewcastle Bioinformatics Initiative (Australia)
NBINuclear Burst Indicator
NBINeutron Beam Injector
NBINet Business Income
NBINeutral Beam Interface
NBINielsen Broadcast Index
NBINo Boney Injury (medicine)
NBINot Bearing Interest
NBINational Bartending Institute (Atlanta, Georgia)
NBINextWave Broadband Inc
NBINew Business International (various locations)
NBINuclear Boiler Instrumentation (nuclear power)