mortgage REIT

Mortgage REIT

An REIT that invests in loans secured by real estate which derive income from mortgage interest and fees.

Mortgage REIT

A real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in mortgages, rather than buys and owns property outright. The revenue for mortgage REITs comes mainly from the principal and interest on the mortgages owned. Like all REITs, they may be traded as if they were stocks. Owning a mortgage REIT is more liquid than directly owning the real estate underlying it.

mortgage REIT

A real estate investment trust that combines investors' funds with other borrowed money to make loans on real estate. The return earned by the investors depends on the spread between the interest rates charged on the loans made and the interest rates paid on the loans taken out. Earnings on a mortgage REIT are subject to wide fluctuations if the REIT makes short-term loans and takes out long-term loans. Compare equity REIT.

mortgage REIT

A real estate investment trust (REIT) that purchases mortgage debts as investments, rather than income-producing property. Contrast with equity REITs, which invest in office buildings,hospitals,apartments,and other real properties,but not mortgages.